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Apply for a licence - index

Here is a list of licences and permits with links to information and forms.

You can apply online for any of the licences below.

If you would like to see the register of all applications made and licenses issued check the public licensing register.

List of licences and permits

Animal boarding establishments licence

Animal feedstuffs - on farm mixing

Booking office licence

Certificates of compliance from Environmental Health for licensed premises

Caravan site licence

Care homes and nursing homes register with the Care Inspectorate

Children in entertainment - performance licence

Children's work permits

Cinema licence

Cooling tower and evaporative condensers

Dangerous wild animals registration

Dog breeding licence

Explosive store licence

Fireworks - registration of premises for safe storage

Food business registration

Game dealers

Gaming licence

Gunpowder and mixed explosives registration

Health and safety registration for premises

Houses in multiple occupation

Indoor sports entertainment licence

Itinerant metal dealers licence 

Knife dealer's licence

Landlords registration

Late hours catering licence

Liquor licence for premises

Liquor licence personal

Occasional licence to sell liquor

Extended hours application to sell alcohol

Market operators licence

Metal dealer's licence

Permit to occupy a road or footway

Pet shop licences

Petroleum licences

Product specific regulations: premises approval

Private hire car drivers licence

Private hire car operators licence

Public charitable collections

Public entertainment licence

Processions, marches and parades

Riding establishments licence

Safety at sports grounds

Second hand dealers licence

Sex shop licence

Short-term let licence

Skin piercing and tattooing

Skip permit applications

Street trader's licence

Taxi drivers licence

Taxi operators licence

Taxi and private hire car testing

Window cleaners licence

Work permits for young people