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Venison dealers licence

Section 33 of The Deer (Scotland) Act 1996 requires that venison dealers in Scotland must be licensed.  There is an application fee which must be paid at the time the application is made. 

It is an offence for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale venison unless he is a licensed venison dealer or is selling to or has purchased from a licensed venison dealer.

It is essentially the wholesalers who need to be licensed.  In other words every butcher and retailer in Scotland does not need a licence so long as the venison on sale has been purchased from a licensed dealer.

Licences are issued by South Lanarkshire Council and are valid for three years.  Licensed venison dealers must maintain records of purchases and receipts of venison which are open to inspection by Scottish Natural Heritage and any Police Officer.  South Lanarkshire Council will notify Scottish Natural Heritage of the numbers and details of the licenses they have issued.

Venison dealers returns

Scottish Natural Heritage require all licensed venison dealers in Scotland to submit their records of all purchases and receipts of venison for the period 1 April – 31 March each year.

How to apply

Please contact Environmental Services for a form.

How your application is dealt with

The licence will be issued once your application has been approved by Fleet and Environmental Services.

It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted so you will not get tacit consent. If you haven't heard from us within 28 days contact Environmental Services and we'll let you know about your application's progress.

Can anyone object?


How much does it cost?


Environmental Services

Phone: 0303 123 1015