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Petroleum storage certificate

As the Petroleum Enforcing Authority (PEA) we are responsible for ensuring that those who store and dispense petrol, within South Lanarkshire, do not cause risk to the public or the environment.

The Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 came into force on 1 October 2014 and replaced the petroleum licensing system with the Petroleum Storage Certificate (PSC). Guidance on the changes has been published by the Health and Safety Executive.

Certificates are issued for the premises where the petrol is stored and dispensed, with no reference to a person or company (previously known as licensees). Certificates do not have an expiry date and remain in force until either major changes take place or the site ceases to operate for more than 12 months.

The keeper of the fuel must pay an annual fee which is calculated according to the maximum amount of petrol stored at the site. The keeper can choose to pay for up to ten years in advance.

How much does it cost?

Band Amount Annual fee 2024-25
A Not exceeding 2,500 litres £48
B Exceeding 2,500 litres but not exceeding 50,000 litres £65
C Exceeding 50,000 litres £137

Fees are set by the Health and Safety Fees Regulations and are subject to annual review.

For further details and all other petrol-related enquiries please contact the Petroleum Officer at Consumer and Trading Standards.

Related content

  1. Petroleum storage certificate
  2. Domestic and non-workplace storage