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Premises licence to sell alcohol

Before you apply

If you are considering leasing premises which already have a licence you should check the licence to make sure it fits in with your business plan. Your solicitor should be able to help you with this.

Premises have individual operating and layout plans, for example if you want to serve bar meals and allow children in the premises this would have to be included in the operating plan.

If you want to include things that don't appear on the existing plan, such as entertainment, you will have to apply for a variation of licence.

You should also check if there have been conditions added to the licence by the Licensing Board.

A copy of the licence will be available for you to have a look at, free of charge, at the Licensing office.

You will also need to apply for a Personal Licence.

Once you have your Personal Licence would may want to get independent legal advice as you may want to trade under a company name and apply for a variation when you transfer the premises licence into your own name. This can be complicated and may involve other legal matters like business and property. While our Licensing Standards Officers can give guidance they can't give legal advice.