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Our online rent services (myaccount)

is currently unavailable due to year-end processing

Extension of licensed hours

If you want to extend your licensing hours in connection with a special event or occasion to be catered on the premises or for a special event of local or national significance you must apply at least 21 days before the proposed start of the event to allow us to process your application.

You can apply online.  Contact the Licensing and Registration office for a username or password.

How the application is dealt with

If you haven't heard from us at least seven days before the date of the event please contact the Licensing and Registration office.

Can anyone object?

When your application is received, we will send a copy to the Chief Constable, Police Scotland and the Licensing Standards Officer. The Chief Constable may object to your application within 10 days of receipt of the application. The Licensing Standards Officer must prepare and submit a report setting out any comments within 10 days of receipt of the application. 

How much does it cost?

The fee for an application for extended hours is £10. 

If an application is withdrawn or refused no refund is given.