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Gunpowder and Mixed Explosives Registration

You can store up to 7500 shotgun cartridges, 60,000 Hilti gun cartridges or 50 air bag detonators or seat belt pre-tensioners without having to register with us. If you exceed these quantities you will need to register:

  • small arms ammunition - over 15 kg (net explosive quantity)
  • air bag detonators and seat belt pre-tensioners - 5 kg

How to apply:

Complete the Licensed Store/Registration made under the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005 application form, which includes more detailed guidance and send it to Consumer and Trading Standards.

The form (ER1) can be downloaded from the Health and Safety Executive website.

How the application is dealt with:

Consumer and Trading Standards Officers check the application.

Can anyone object?

We must be satisfied with the application, before registration is accepted.

How much does it cost?

The current fee is £105 and £52 for renewal. An invoice will be issued when the registration is approved.