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Public entertainment licence

If the public uses your facilities for any of the following types of events you may need a public entertainment licence:

  • A theatre, concert hall or music hall;
  • A dance hall or discotheque;
  • A skating rink;
  • A circus;
  • An exhibition of people or performing animals including without prejudice to the foregoing generality dog agility shows;
  • A fairground, pleasure park. For the purpose of clarification, this specifically excludes gala days with a maximum of two children's rides whether mechanical or inflatable. It also excludes fetes and events run purely for charitable purposes for which there is no charge of entry;
  • A billiard, snooker or pool room;
  • A swimming pool;
  • Bonfires and/or firework displays (for clarification this includes any bonfires and/or firework displays which members of the public may attend regardless of whether or not there is a change for entry or run purely for the benefit of the community);
  • Outdoor concerts or events including without prejudice to the foregoing generality. Christmas grotto type events. For clarification events (excluding bonfires) run purely for the benefit of the community for which there is no charge for entry and no additional provision such as stalls, mechanical rides, bouncy castles etc are excluded from this resolution;
  • Sports Centres
  • Sports Barns
  • Bungee jumping
  • Sauna an/or sunbed establishments;
  • Trampoline parks, both internal and external, which for clarification includes any permanent facility with trampolines; or
  • Permanent children's soft play areas set up by commercial organisations. For clarification temporary soft play areas set up by toddlers groups or other play groups are excluded from the definition.

How to apply

If you already have a licence, you may wish to make changes to its terms, you can also do this online.

How the application is dealt with

If you haven't heard from us within 28 days please contact the Licensing and Registration office and we will let you know about your application's progress.

You must bring proof of identification when you collect your documents.

If someone else is collecting them for you, they must bring something in writing from you stating that you give your permission. This must be signed by you and give the details of the person who is collecting your documents. The signature on the letter will be compared with the signature on the application form. We will not accept an email.

Can anyone object?

Once we have your application there is a 28-day objection period. Your application will be copied and sent to Police Scotland for any comments or objections they may have.

How much does it cost?

Full licence fee - £330.72

Size of venue up to 8,000 people per day licence fee - £1,168.12

Size of venue up to 8,000 - 15,000 people per day licence fee - £2,337.30

Fairs - £173.84