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Private landlords - Accreditation Scheme

Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) is a voluntary scheme set up to promote and support landlords and letting agents in Scotland.

By becoming an accredited landlord or letting agent with Landlord Accreditation Scotland you will:

  • benefit from the provision of tenancy management advice available to landlords and agents through an ongoing programme of training throughout the country
  • demonstrate that as a landlord or letting agent you are operating to a higher management standard than the minimum legal requirements
  • provide tenants with reassurance that their landlord or agent adheres to the 'Scottish Core Standards for Accredited Landlords'.

To become accredited, landlords and letting agents must adhere to the 'Scottish Core Standards for Accredited Landlords' - you can download the standards at Landlord Accreditation Scotland. Please also see our page on 'How to apply for accreditation membership.

You may also be interested in information about Tenancy Deposit Schemes and private landlord registration.

Training courses and information sessions

LAS promote best practice throughout the industry by holding training and information sessions across Scotland. There are two categories of training, Core Standard Training and Best Practice Training. Full details of the topics in each course can be found in the diary section at Landlord Accreditation Scotland.

Landlord Accreditation Scheme

Phone: 0131 553 2211
Email: Landlord Accreditation Scheme