
Volunteers continue to give their time, energy and commitment every day across South Lanarkshire to support our communities. A wide range of activities and services would not be available if not for the kind and generous support offered by volunteers. The benefits of volunteering have never been more evident, volunteers have a direct impact on better mental health, less social isolation and an increase in wellbeing for themselves and those they support. The impact volunteering makes on our society is immeasurable, the effect of volunteering is far reaching and recognising and valuing volunteers has never been more important.
As part of a post Covid learning and evaluation exercise, the Community Planning Partnership recognised the benefit of a collaborative approach to volunteering. This resulted in the introduction and launch of a shared South Lanarkshire Volunteering Strategy, endorsed by all partners through signing a Volunteering Pledge. As the Third Sector Interface for South Lanarkshire, Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire (VASLan) have taken the lead on the delivery of key components within the Volunteering Strategy.
VASLan have worked in partnership with referral agencies to focus on the removal of barriers to volunteering by offering support in areas such as confidence building, life and social skills along with assistance to find suitable volunteering. The number of people supported through this new programme has exceeded expectations with three times more people than originally estimated receiving support.
Supporting partners and voluntary organisations in good volunteering practice remains one of the main priorities and working in partnership with Volunteer Scotland, VASLan, continues to promote the Quality Standards Pipeline and to support organisations to sign the Volunteer Charter, achieve Volunteer Friendly or Investing in Volunteers accreditation.
Working with partners and the Third Sector to create more flexible, inclusive and diverse volunteering opportunities has also been an essential part of their work. In addition, a Training Portal to support learning, knowledge sharing and enhance employability prospects for volunteers and staff across the Third Sector is being implemented.
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