Community Led Planning

The Community Led Planning process enables communities to identify local priorities and produce an action plan that helps people to take realistic steps towards the change they want to see. By bringing everyone together to think about what is needed, this process highlights the skills and resources already available in the community, as well as identifying the gaps and the support required from others to make it happen.
Communities across South Lanarkshire in the Clydesdale, East Kilbride and Larkhall areas have created their own Community Action Plans. These plans have been developed through extensive community engagement activity delivered by local people, for the benefit of the whole community to take ownership of and work together to achieve the priorities set out in the plan. You can find more information about the communities that have their own plans and view their latest plans here: Local Community Plans.
If you live, work, visit or have an interest in any of the communities that already have a local action plan you can get involved by supporting delivery of the plan. If you live or work in a community that would like to create their own action plan, please see our local Community Led Planning Toolkit below. If you would like more information or would like to get more involved in your community please get in touch. Give us a call on 0303 123 1017 or email us at
Further information
Community Led Planning Toolkit
A list of the appendices which accompany the Community Led Planning Toolkit can be viewed here.
If you would like a copy of the full toolkit, including template documents, please email: