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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 5: Gender Equality

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About this goal

Gender bias is undermining our social fabric and devalues all of us.  It is not just a human rights issue; it is a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential.  By denying women equal rights, we deny half the population a chance to live life at its fullest.  Political, economic and social equality for women will benefit all the world’s citizens.  Together we can eradicate prejudice and work for equal rights and respect for all. (Goal 5: Gender equality - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Share Alike

SDG5 - Share Alike

Working directly within the community places Share Alike in East Kilbride are at the heart of issues facing the people they work with.  Listening and being responsive to emerging problems facing their community has allowed the volunteer-led organisation to identify a gap in support for young people’s gender-related challenges.

When young volunteers expressed their concerns about the lack of opportunity to come together in a safe environment to discuss the gender-based challenges they face, Share Alike decided to act.  At their community hub based in East Kilbride, the organisation have created a dedicated space for the group to meet and lead on their own peer to peer support network.  The Gender Equality Group meet weekly and are beginning to build awareness across the area about the support they offer.  They pride themselves on providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming space where young people can freely discuss the topic and work together to find solutions.

Project Manager Anne Marie Campbell said:

'We didn’t create this group, like all our services the need within our community was the driving force.  We were encountering many young people who were fighting their own mental health struggles and a closer look found the majority could be stripped back to simply accepting and being accepted for who they are.  And so the group evolved.'  

Further reading and information

Goal 5: Gender Equality
Goal 5: Gender equality - The Global Goals

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council