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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

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About this goal

Hunger is the leading cause of death in the world.  Our planet has provided us with tremendous resources, but unequal access and inefficient handling leaves millions of people malnourished.  If we promote sustainable agriculture with modern technologies and fair distribution systems, we can sustain the whole world’s population and make sure that nobody will ever suffer from hunger again. (Goal 2: Zero Hunger - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Hillstop Cafe Hillhouse

Goal 2 - Hillhouse

Situated in the heart of Hillhouse in Hamilton, the Hillstop café is making a huge difference by helping mitigate food insecurity.  Local people are taking direct action to address food and material poverty.

The cafe which was developed by Hillhouse Link Tenants and Residents Association is run entirely by local volunteers.  The cafe provides a meeting place for those who attend to catch up with others and purchase hot food and drinks at very low cost.  A free food larder and a clothes swap shop are also avilable to those who need to access these addtional services.  The café also offers free social activities, skills development and volunteering opportunities to anyone that would wish to take part.  It is also a base for a range of services such as the Money Matters Advice Service, bringing services to local people, when they need them most.  Between April 2022 and March 2023, 4,600 people attended.  

The group are passionate about being sustainable.  They are committed to reducing food waste by having membership with fareshare and have local arrangements with supermarkets, meaning that food items are almost all coming from donations locally.  In addition, any surplus food can also be made into food packs to be taken home to reheat. 

“We recognise that anyone’s financial circumstances can change quickly at any time.  Such as a benefit delay, an unexpected bill, a change in family relationships, uncertain and insecure work or redundancy and this can put a huge strain on household budgets.  As the cost of living soars, too many people are having to make daily difficult decisions about money, we want to help if we can”, Sandra Panton (Treasurer, Link Tenants and Residents Association).

The group are also leading on the development of Hillhouse Recreational Space, 1.3 acres of land previously synonymous with fly tipping.  A community growing area which enables the group to supply fruit and vegetables to the café.  The group are also hoping to install bee hives.

“Public awareness of climate change has shifted tremendously over the last year, it’s clear that we need to implement greener practices.  To look after people and the planet”, Dianne McQuilter, Secretary.

The food larder is stocked using donations, supplemented by the group's fundraising efforts.  The larder is open to all and operated on a non-referral basis.

The swap shop offers opportunities to recycle and repurpose clothes and household goods.  Residents are encouraged to simply take what they need as every effort is made to reduce inequality and stigma.  Volunteers running the swap shop are assisted by primary school pupils promoting active citizenship.

The café runs every Wednesday from Hillhouse and Earnock Community Centre from 11.00am to 2.30pm

Further reading and information

Goal 2: Zero Hunger
Goal 2: Zero Hunger - The Global Goals

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council