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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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About this goal

Compassion and a strong moral compass is essential to every democratic society.  Yet, persecution, injustice and abuse still runs rampant and is tearing at the very fabric of civilisation.  We must ensure that we have strong institutions, global standards of justice, and a commitment to peace everywhere. (Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Refugee Resettlement Scheme

SDG16 - Resettlement

Refugee Resettlement Schemes in the UK provide a response to humanitarian crisis across the world and work closely with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the global refugee agency.  In Scotland, local authorities, with support from CoSLA, UK and Scottish Governments assist individuals/families who have been given refugee status to resettle and integrate into Scottish communities.

South Lanarkshire Council and community planning partners have been assisting refugees since 2015 with the arrival of the first Syrians through the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Scheme.  The UK Refugee Scheme (UKRS) was initiated to combine the majority of refugee programmes during 2020, however additional programmes were introduced including Afghanistan visa schemes during 2021 and the Ukrainian visa schemes introduced in early 2022.

Resettlement and relocation schemes in Scotland are coordinated by CoSLA and managed by local authorities.

A specialist Refugee Resettlement Support Team, based within Housing and Technical Resources, SLC, provides a trauma informed, person-centred approach which considers supports based on individual needs.  They offer appropriate accommodation options and integration support to help individuals and families settle into life in South Lanarkshire. 

Integration into South Lanarkshire communities is the main priority for the Refugee Resettlement Team and new arrivals.  Local communities and community planning partners play key roles in ensuring links and provisions are in place for accessing education, employment, health, English language skills and signposting to third sector agencies and partners who can provide appropriate trauma informed support.  

Individuals and families who arrived since 2015 have always been very grateful to community planning partners and local communities for the warm welcome that they have received and have always taken the opportunity to “pay back” into the communities who have supported them by undertaking volunteering posts and working locally.

The new arrivals from Ukraine have also expressed their continued thanks to South Lanarkshire communities for supporting them as they have refugees from Syria and Afghanistan.   

The Refugee Resettlement Team have had to learn new cultures and language skills to assist individuals/families from different areas and have been flexible through the years to ensure that support suits new arrivals.  The team has welcomed a couple of new support officers to assist with the Ukrainian visa programmes over the past 18 months.  It has been a very challenging year for everyone, however, the team and community planning partners have provided a service which has made a positive impact on families fleeing from their homes and country.

The Refugee Resettlement Team and partners the Salvation Army were nominated and reached the finals of the Chartered Institute of Housing Awards, held in October 2023, for work undertaken to assist Ukrainian nationals settle in interim accommodation.

Further reading and information

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Stong Institutions
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions - The Global Goals

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council