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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 14: Life Below Water

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About this goal

Healthy oceans and seas are essential to our existence.  They cover 70% of our planet and we rely on them for food, energy and water.  Yet, we have managed to do tremendous damage to these precious resources.  We must protect them by eliminating pollution and overfishing and immediately start to responsibly manage and protect all marine life around the world. (Goal 14: Life below water - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Hamilton and Blantyre Litter Pickers

SDG14 - Hamilton and Blantyre Litter Pickers

Litter often causes pollution in our waterways and can make its way into our oceans.  According to the United Nations, this is set to double by 2030, with plastic accounting for 85% of all marine litter.  This pollution causes grave danger to marine life from plankton to fish, birds and mammals.  For humans, this means ingestion of these plastics through seafood, drinks and salt, causing hormonal changes and developmental disorders.

Hamilton and Blantyre Litter Pickers Group was established in March 2021 in response to the noticeable increase in litter during lock down.  Gathering interest through social media, the group have quickly grown to over 700 members with a dedicated core team of volunteers who give up their free time, determined to rid the streets, parks, streams and rivers of unsightly and often hazardous litter.

The group not only make a huge positive impact on the environment and sense of community pride in the areas they work in, but their visibility helps to raise awareness and influence positive behaviour change.  They promote the message that keeping our streets clear of litter is everyone’s responsibility and work hard to hold organisations to account and support them to develop litter strategies.  In recognition of their hard work, the group are often nominated for awards with founder member Chris Hatton picking up the South Lanarkshire Provost’s Community Award.

People wishing to volunteer at the weekly clean-ups can simply visit the event section on the Facebook page to sign up, making it easy to dip in when they have some free time.

Tackling Litter and Waste (keepscotlandbeautiful.org)

Further reading and information

Goal 14: Life Below Water
Goal 14: Life Below Water - The Global Goals

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council