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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 13: Climate Action

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About this goal

Climate change is a real and undeniable threat to our entire civilization.  The effects are already visible and will be catastrophic unless we act now.  Through education, innovation and adherence to our climate commitments, we can make the necessary changes to protect the planet.  These changes also provide huge opportunities to modernise our infrastructure which will create new jobs and promote greater prosperity across the globe. (Goal 13: Climate action - The Global Goals)

In Focus: ONECAN Carluke



Carluke Development Trust (CDT) has for over two decades established a reputation for listening and acting on the needs of the communities it supports.  Through the Carluke/ONECAN Conversations, information sessions and the delivery of community led events and activities, developed its aims and objectives to provide the support needed and identified by the communities of the Parish of Carluke.

COP 26 Response Group

COP 26 hosted in Glasgow in 2021, was the catalyst for the development of the ONECAN Cop 26 Response Group which is made up of local people with a passion for climate action.  The group commissioned a baseline assessment of the Carluke area’s carbon footprint resulting in a comprehensive Net Zero Strategy report.

In March 2023, the group hosted a Community Climate Conference which gave the community the opportunity to attend workshops, hear speakers and consider how best to take forward actions from the strategy.  Short, medium and long-term activities that can provide the greatest positive impact to reduce carbon were identified.  Recommended actions covered stationary energy, transport, waste and land including:

  • Energy: Establish low carbon information and action hub acting as a trusted source of information in partnership with local tradespeople and energy experts on low carbon home and transport matters in Carluke.
  • Transport: Take forward plans for an Active Travel Network and undertake feasibility studies for car or bike share schemes.
  • Waste: Understate feasibility of reuse/share projects.
  • Land: Continue to develop good access and avilability to quality greenspace and food growing sites.

ONECAN Carluke Energy project.

ONECAN Carluke Community Energy Club (OCCEC) is being developed as a means for local renewable generation to be installed to supply local consumers at a tariff that benefits both parties.  OCCEC would design, build, operate and maintain the PV solar generation on rooftops.  They would be responsible for all maintenance requirements, and for negotiating a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the export of energy from each site with the supplier.   Any surplus generation would be for export to the wider market through the PPA Agreement.

These are just a flavour of ONECAN’s bold and inspiring climate-positive plans as they continue to work with the council and other partners to make meaningful change to the town.  They look forward to hosting their next community climate conference in 2024.

Further reading and information

Goal 13: Climate Action
Goal 13: Climate Action - The Global Goals

Carluke Development Trust

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council