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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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About this goal

The global goals can only be met if we work together.  International investments and support is needed to ensure innovative technological development, fair trade and market access, especially for developing countries.  To build a better world, we need to be supportive, empathetic, inventive, passionate, and above all, cooperative.  (Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Community Planning Partnership

SDG17 - Community Planning Partnership



  • South Lanarkshire's Community Planning Partnership (CPP) is an example of what can be achieved when diverse stakeholders come together in a local partnership with a shared vision.  Our partnership brings together local and national public, private and community sector representatives to work together. Our Community Planning Partners are working together to make South Lanarkshire a better place to live, learn, play and work.  We work with each other and with communities to provide the best possible services that local people want and need (Community Plan for South Lanarkshire 2022-2032).
  • With a commitment to wellbeing, particularly considering the places where our communities live and doing what communities need to live well, the CPP has forged alliances between public sector services, people living in our communities, community organisations and businesses.  The CPP’s collaborative efforts are driving positive change across the region, aligning perfectly with SDG Goal 17's call for both global and local partnerships that mobilise resources and knowledge to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
  • Together, the Community Plan 2022-2032 seeks to break down traditional siloes and encourage discussions between different thematic and statutory boards to support a more holistic approach to community planning.  This collaborative way of working resonates with the ethos of partnership embedded in the SDGs and will play an instrumental role in South Lanarkshire’s efforts to achieve them.

What the CPP are doing?

  • Conducting a voluntary review of South Lanarkshire CPP’s progress against the SDGs and reporting progress annually to the CPP Board.
  • Developing measurements/performance indicators to report and measure on progress.
  • Localising the SDGs through internal workshops and stakeholder engagement.
  • Mapping thematic plans against the SDGs.
  • Capacity building through workshops, training sessions and an internal toolkit.

Further reading and information

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals - The Global Goals

Community Plan 2022-2032
Community Plan 2022-2032 

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council