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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

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About this goal

The world’s population is constantly increasing.  To accommodate everyone, we need to build modern, sustainable cities.  For all of us to survive and prosper, we need new, intelligent urban planning that creates safe, affordable and resilient cities with green and culturally inspiring living conditions. (Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities - The Global Goals)

In Focus: Clyde Cycle Park

SDG11 - Clyde Cycle Park


Clyde Cycle Park provides a safe 250m off-road circuit and community space based in Cambuslang.  The park caters for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities and helps them to gain cycling skills and confidence through training activities and awareness programmes.

They have a passion for supporting people to overcome barriers to cycling and have a fleet of bikes which people can use and often run cycle repair workshops.  Lots of community groups are already involved in sessions and the park staff continue to widely engage at a local level to make sure as many people as possible get a chance to take part.  The Rock Up & Ride programme delivers free, inclusive sessions for children aged 7 -14 years, which helps create long-term, sustainable increase in cycling and behaviour change.

The project has gone from strength to strength and continues to expand, showing a real enthusiasm from the community to get cycling.

Further reading and information

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities - The Global Goals

Clyde Cycle Park

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council