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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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About this goal

A functioning and resilient infrastructure is the foundation of every successful community.  To meet future challenges, our industries and infrastructure must be upgraded.  For this, we need to promote innovative sustainable technologies and ensure equal and universal access to information and financial markets.  This will bring prosperity, create jobs and make sure that we build stable and prosperous societies across the globe. (Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - The Global Goals)

In Focus: ISKCON Eco Farm 

Goal 9 ISKCON Eco Farm

Nestled in the hills above Lesmahagow lies the industrious and yet tranquil Krishna Eco Farm and retreat.  The charity empowers people to make contribution to the community by growing food in sustainable and ethical ways.  Their aim is to improve people’s physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing and help the planet and environment.  Multiple renewable energy systems have been introduced to reduce their carbon footprint and help them serve their community.

  • Wind Turbines:  Funded by Energy Savings Trust Scotland , two 11kW wind turbines generate green electricity and help reduce the environmental impact of their electricity consumption.
  • Solar thermal panels:  While these are Installed on a south facing roof, the cells work even on dull days and supplement the hot water and electricity supply to the farm buildings.
  • Air source heat pump: Supplies a specially designed heated floor to one of the greenhouses, allowing growing to continue during the winter months.
  • Food waste management system:  hotboxes are in-vessel composting systems which use a specific blend of animal, garden and food waste. The farm hope to offer the service out to neighbouring rural households who want to eliminate their food waste.
  • Biomas boiler: Underfloor heating and hot water is supplied via the low-carbon, 50kw boiler.  This type of renewable heating system uses wood and other organic matter to produce energy.
  • Irrigation system: Rainwater is collected from building roofs and used to meet garden needs through a network of tanks, pipes and taps.

Further reading and information

Goal 9:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure - The Global Goals

ISCON Eco Farm

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council