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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

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About this goal

Economic growth should be a positive force for the whole planet.  This is why we must make sure that financial progress creates decent and fulfilling jobs while not harming the environment.  We must protect labour rights and once and for all put a stop to modern slavery and child labour.  If we promote job creation with expanded access to banking and financial services, we can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation. (Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - The Global Goals)

In Focus: South Lanarkshire College

SDG8 - South Lanarkshire College

Never before have Green Skills been more in demand in Scotland; thousands of new green jobs are being created and many existing ones transformed to reflect environmental needs.  It is reported that these jobs offer higher than average salaries, helping to deliver decent work and economic growth.

South Lanarkshire College is at the heart of this transformational change, ensuring that learners can access the tools they need for the jobs of the future.  They attracted over 100 visitors to their first Step into Future Jobs Event in 2023, where young people had the opportunity to explore potential new career opportunities in the Green and Future job sector, meeting employers and industry experts.  They also work with employers and communities to support their business training and development needs.

The college is committed to ensuring that both the courses on offer and the campus itself are future ready.  Constructing the first low-energy, low-carbon house for the market, the college showcases technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV), solar thermal, ground source heat pump and rainwater harvesting.  The project not only helped to combat fuel poverty but transformed the whole construction curriculum.  This initiative was followed by a similar, larger-scale project, the first Building Research Establishment Environment Assessment Method (BREEAM) outstanding build in the UK.  Both projects were recognised for their sustainability excellence, by receiving the Green Gown Award.

Recently the college has launched a mobile heat pump training centre.  This fully equipped classroom travels to rural and remote areas of Scotland to deliver heat pump training to installers.  It offers working air and ground source heat pumps systems with water tanks, smart controls and other equipment required to deliver the training. Being mobile, the unit supports areas that don’t have teaching provision but can also support other colleges that have additional demand for training.

These initiatives and many more from South Lanarkshire College show real commitment to addressing our changing climate and positively transforming how we live and work.

Further reading and information

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth - The Global Goals

Sustainable Development and Climate Change Strategy
Introduction - South Lanarkshire Council