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Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

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Sustainable Development Goals

What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

These are 17 global goals agreed by all 193 United Nation member states, intended to be achieved by 2030.  Scotland signed up to the goals in 2015.

Understanding the interconnectedness of the goals is key to success.  Achieving each goal depends on the success of another; ending poverty and reducing inequalities must go hand in hand with a healthy economy while protecting the planet.

These ambitious objectives and targets work locally as well as globally, uniting all sectors in a shared purpose to build a more environmentally sustainable, inclusive and prosperous society.

SDGs across South Lanarkshire communities

Essential to the success of the SDGs is making sure no one is left behind.  Community groups and organisations across South Lanarkshire are at the heart of creating the change we need by creating stronger, more resilient communities and supporting transformational change.

The following case studies highlights just some of the work happening across the county using the SDGs as indicators for success.