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Financial Inclusion Network

FIN News: 15 January 2025

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FIN News: 15 January 2025

Welcome to this week's Financial Inclusion Network news

The Financial Inclusion Network is an informal group of over 250 members taken from the Public and Third Sectors which covers all areas of South Lanarkshire.  This network is to share information from a wide range of themes. We hope to provide a new update each week that can be accessed by all members at any time to see what is going on in the area under the headings below. If you would like an item included within our weekly news, please complete our short online form here: https://forms.office.com/e/Ht5w7iAuFi.  For further information, please email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk 

Money is not the only problem – Employment

If you are looking for work, there are services within South Lanarkshire who can help you with this. They can provide training, support and advice for you. They can also help if you are in work but need to develop your skills to secure better paid jobs or need to know about your employment rights including how much the Living Wage is or what in work benefits you can claim.


Christmas spirit shown by staff and partners

As the saying goes, Christmas is a time for giving.

And staff at South Lanarkshire Council and the Community Planning Partnership have certainly taken that message to heart this year.


Lanarkshire Carers Carer Training Programme

It’s important to look after your own health and wellbeing, as well as the person you care for.

Lanarkshire Carers Carer Training Programme covers a range of topics and the courses featured in our programmes are released every three months.

Some of the different courses featured in our programme will help you manage stress in your caring role, learn more about the condition of the person that you care for and help you maintain your overall physical and mental health & wellbeing.

For more information visit our site - https://lanarkshirecarers.org.uk/services/training/

Big Energy Saving Week – 17 January to 23 January 2025

Big Energy Saving Week takes place in the third week of January  and is a national campaign focused on helping individuals learn how to cut their energy bills and get all the financial support to which they are entitled.  Visit our site for more information –


Money Advice Scotland are hosting a free webinar on 23 January to support this campaign.  The webinar will focus on understanding and managing energy bills, exploring different energy tariffs, and accessing financial support for energy costs. We will also break down the details of your energy bill, review the latest energy Price Cap figures, and share some energy saving tips to help reduce your costs. Furthermore, we will provide information on the support available if you are struggling with energy debt.  Please boo a space here - 


Healthy Working Lives

We need you! Make 2025 a year of new beginnings….

Please see our latest newsletter for news, updates, training sessions, events, etc.

