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Financial Inclusion Network

FIN News: 21 August 2024

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FIN News: 21 August  2024

Welcome to this week's Financial Inclusion Network news

The Financial Inclusion Network is an informal group of over 250 members taken from the Public and Third Sectors which covers all areas of South Lanarkshire.  This network is to share information from a wide range of themes. We hope to provide a new update each week that can be accessed by all members at any time to see what is going on in the area under the headings below. If you would like an item included within our weekly news, please complete our short online form here: https://forms.office.com/e/Ht5w7iAuFi.  For further information, please email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk 

Money is not the only problem - Wellbeing 

Taking care of yourself is very important. When you are under stress, it can be harder to do this. Within this section you will find information on places where you can get help to look after your mental and physical health as well as find social links and supports to help you stay comfortable, healthy and happy.


Expansion for arts and crafts classes thanks to wish list

Tables donated through the Community Wish List will help a local charity expand their arts and crafts classes.

Agape Wellbeing provide free activities for service users who have mental health and wellbeing issues. They also have a free sensory hub for children aged up to three and seven.


New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy 2024

Please the link below to the Scottish Government’s ‘New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: 2024’

New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: 2024 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

The Wise Group – Connect Team

The Connect Team offer a variety of training solutions for organisations in the public, private and third sectors through a consultative approach to meet individual needs.  They have a vast variety of courses and learning available.



0800 0273311

Clean up continues thanks to wish list

A community group in Rutherglen is helping to keep their area tidy with help from the Community Wish List.

Burnhill Highbacks is a piece of land that has become a community garden and a safe place for young people to play.


Ten for Zen

Ten for Zen offers the highest quality mindfulness to all - through courses, talks, audio, video and keynote speeches. Mindfulness helps reduce stress, anxiety, worry, anger, and depression, and lifts the spirits of those who want to nurture their finest qualities. We have delivered our services to Scottish Government, NHS, inmates and staff at all the prisons in Scotland, through to universities, secondary and primary schools, local authorities, housing associations, third sector organisations, and private companies.


Lanarkshire Carers

Carers Training Programme Courses for September are available!

It’s important to look after your own health and wellbeing, as well as the person you care for.
Lanarkshire Carers Carer Training Programme covers a range of topics and the courses featured in our programmes are released every three months.  Please follow the link for details of the latest courses:- https://lanarkshirecarers.org.uk/services/training/
