Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank, Our Place Our Plan

Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank (HUB) is located in the North West of Hamilton and has a population of 7,051. The neighbourhood benefits from a strong community and voluntary sector, which provide services and supports to residents of all ages. The kind of services available to the local community include youth projects, a tenants and residents association, a community council, a mental health and wellbeing project, food initiatives, dementia support, child and family focused activities, an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) group plus a number of uniformed organisations for young people.
The Our Place Our Plan Community Group is taking a leading role in realising the ten priority themes of the Hillhouse, Udston, Burnbank neighbourhood plan. The role of the group is to actively engage with the wider community and to keep local residents both involved and informed of progress with the plan and the activity linked to the related themes.
Our Plans and Reports
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Progress Report - 2023-2024 (ODT)
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Progress Report - 2022-2023 (ODT)
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Progress Report – 2021-2022 (ODT)
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Progress Report – 2020-2021 (ODT)
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Progress Report – 2019-2020 (ODT)
Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank Neighbourhood Plan (ODT)
Getting involved in Hillhouse, Udston and Burnbank
If you would like to get involved please contact 0303 123 1017 or email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk