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Burnhill, Our Place Our Plan

Burnhill Participatory Budgeting

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Neighbourhood Planning in South Lanarkshire Burnhill

The Burnhill community were allocated £28,278 to help support local activity that focuses on the top priorities identified by local people in the Burnhill Our Place Our Plan. Project ideas were generated by local people and then residents voted to tell us how they would like to prioritise the spending of this budget. These results will be used to determine how this budget will be spent within the Burnhill community.

254 local people voted online or in person:

  1. Solar Panels (165 votes 65%) - Look at the option for Solar Panels to be installed in the High Backs to support community activity.
  2. Electricity Source (149 votes 59%) - A power source would allow activities to happen without the use of generators in the High Backs.
  3. Shelter (145 votes 57%) - This would allow activities to happen all year round if there was a space that was sheltered from the weather.
  4. Water Supply (136 votes 53%) - This would allow the group to capture rain water to water the plants and to investigate the option of having running water to the high backs.
  5. Activities (99 votes 39%) - Support existing and to allow new activities to be trialled in the area for the whole community.
  6. Cost of Living support (91 votes 36%) - Projects to support people with the cost of living crisis (91) 35.8%
  7. Equipment (79 votes 31%) - New equipment to support new activities within the Burnhill Area (79) 31.1%
  8. Workshops (73 votes (29%) - Training and learning workshops for the community to gain new skills.
  9. Toilet (47 votes 19%) - A portaloo has been sourced by the local action group but this would support them in the maintenance of this servicing, cleaning and so on.  

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