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Blantyre Futures

Participatory Budgeting

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Participatory Budgeting

Blantyre Futures Partcipatory Budgeting

The village of Blantyre has been allocated £45,473 from South Lanarkshire Council and the National Lottery Community Fund for Participatory Budgeting. The allocated funds will help support local activities that focus on the ten priorities identified by local people in the Blantyre Futures Plan created in early 2021. Each bid for funding will be a maximum of £4000 and local people will then be asked to vote which projects should be funded to benefit their community.

During the voting process, locals will also be asked to look again at the ten priorities and re-rank them.

Funding conditions 2023-2024

Please read the following carefully before applying,

Individuals and groups can apply for up to £4000 for each proposal.
Individual conditions of grant are set out by the Blantyre Futures Group.
Residents of all ages will be encouraged to take part in a public vote. The vote will be face-to-face, online and via pop-ups in key settings to maximise participation.

Blantyre Futures Neighbourhood Planning Priorities

Youth activities
Greater community safety
Community activities
Covid recovery
Older people activities
Environmentally friendly
Commnity transport
Glasgow road and shopping facilities
Civic Pride
Roads, traffic and parking


Neighbourhood planning funded activity must directly benefit people living in Blantyre
The project should be planned and/or delivered by 31 March 2024.
The project must provide added value and funding should not be used to replace any mainstream budgets.
A grant acceptance form and conditions of grant form must be completed by all successful projects.
If awarded a grant, recipients must complete an evaluation report using the template provided by us, by 31 March 2024.
Funds can only be used for the purposes detailed in the above application form unless a request has been submitted to amend priorities/expenditures.
If you or your organisation become aware of or suspect any irregular or fraudulent activity that may have an impact on the project or the use of the monies, you must notify our Community Engagement Team immediately and provide relevant information in relation to the impact on the project and the use of the monies.
All receipts and invoices for any goods or services that have been supplied or purchased must be kept. We may ask for any receipts for audit purposes.

Some or all of the grant may be reclaimed if:

The above conditions are not met.
The project is not carried out.
Progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory by us.
The funding is used for purposes other than specified in your application.
Your organisation/group is wound up or otherwise ceases to function. 

What we can't fund 

Activities or events that are targeted to people who do not live in South Lanarkshire.
Retrospective events or purchases.
Foreign trips (bus travel to or from airports/ferry ports can be considered)
Profitable activities.
Insurance and licence fees (with the exception of temporary public entertainment licences.


As part of the grant conditions, you are obligated to complete an evaluation, please note the following when completing the evaluation:

Please feedback to us on how many people have taken part and supported your project.  We are keen to see any photographs of activities, we would like to hear about what you achieved through quotes, case studies, photos, and videos as this will help us contribute to the overall story, throughout the neighbourhood planning area. Assistance can be provided to your project or activity if required.
Failure to report on any grants received through this process may impact access to future funding
All information received from the project or activity will be collated and a full report produced to inform funders and wider stakeholders of progress and developments.

Ready to make your application? Please click the link below which will take you to our online application form. 


Further information

To find out further information please contact the Community Engagement Team by calling 0303 123 1017 or by email communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk