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Catriona Mason

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Catriona Mason

Catriona Mason is a retired Head Teacher who worked for South Lanarkshire Council and its antecedents from 1970 until retiral in August 2007.  Catriona was a member of the first cohort of Primary Teachers who undertook their B.Ed degree on a part time basis at Jordanhill College and graduated in 1987. She also undertook a secondment to Strathclyde University as a lecturer in Primary Education from 1992-94.

As a strong supporter of lifelong learning, Catriona first became involved with Seniors Together in 2000 to help with the formation of Hamilton and District u3a, now a thriving group in the town with over 100 members.

Catriona became Chairperson of Seniors Together in July 2020 after a short time as Vice Chair. She is ably supported by two Vice-Chairs. The group is proud to have been part of South Lanarkshire Council’s successful bid to become Scotland’s first Age Friendly Community.

She is a Trustee of Scottish Older People’s Assembly and chairs the Age Friendly Communities National Advisory Group for SOPA. She represents Seniors Together on Hamilton Local Implementation Group, and Hamilton Health and Social Care Forum. She also attends the Strategic Commissioning Group

Catriona volunteers with R:evolve re-cycle charity in Cambuslang. She teaches a weekly Craft Group to facilitate the use of upcycled materials and to provide socialisation for a group of older people.