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Christine Calder

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Christine Calder

Christine Calder works for South Lanarkshire Council Finance and Corporate Resources and is the Project Manager for Seniors Together in South Lanarkshire.

Prior to this role she has had an extensive career in Social Work where latterly she held the lead role in developing Assistive Technology to support older people living with dementia to remain in their own homes in the community. 

She has held numerous roles within social work in her 34 years with the Council and more recently has been with Seniors Together for 15 years.

Christine has extensive experience working both at a strategic level and at an operational level with older people. She also spent significant time working in Community Development.  She has undertaken many volunteer roles out with her working time and is actively involved in the Tenants and residents’ movement.

She has been supported by South Lanarkshire Council to achieve several qualifications throughout her employment and graduated with qualifications from both Dundee and Stirling University during this time.