Golden opportunity for pupils to work for eagles

Published: Thursday 27 June 2024

Leadhills Primary School  pupils with Countryfile film crew and South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project members

Pupils at Leadhills Primary School have not only learned about Golden Eagles, but they also were filmed doing it.

The school signed up to take part in an Eagle Workshop with the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project.

But they were doubly excited when they found out that their workshop was going to be filmed for a BBC Countryfile programme.

The pupils not only enjoyed learning more about one of Scotland’s most iconic animals, but they also enjoyed taking part in and seeing how a TV programme is set up and filmed.

Leadhills PS pupils being filmed by Countryfile team for Golden Eagles project


Anne French, Headteacher at Leadhills Primary School, said: “This was a truly rewarding experience for both the pupils and staff.

“Our school sits high up in the Lowther Hills and provides a rich habitat for Buzzards, Red Kites and Golden Eagles to live.

“Participation in this workshop has enhanced our pupil’s knowledge and appreciation of their environment and the animals that live around them.”

During the day, pupils learned a lot about the life of a Golden Eagle and enjoyed getting to build an eyrie, as well as recognising the other size of nests and birds that frequent Leadhills and the surrounding area.

Leadhills PS pupils getting to see just how big a Golden Eagle nest really is


Carole McKenzie, the council’s Executive Director of Education, said: “Leadhills Primary is an excellent example of how a rural school can use its local environment to bring learning to life.

“Anne and her team work so hard to provide a rich, relevant and stimulating curriculum. I know how thrilled the children were to be involved in Countryfile and in learning first-hand about the local wildlife.”