Flag raised to honour Armed Forces

Published: Monday 24 June 2024

This image shows the Armed Forces Day flag being raised in front of military personnel onlookers

South Lanarkshire Council has raised the flag for Armed Forces Day 2024.

The day, which shows support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community from currently serving troops to service families, veterans and cadets, takes place this year on Saturday 29 June.

The flag will fly outside the council’s Hamilton headquarters all this week following a ceremony which was held at the weekend.

Among those in attendance was Provost Margaret Cooper.

Provost Cooper said: “Armed Forces Day is a day when we remind ourselves what our military is all about.

“They serve this country, protecting us and our way of life from dangers that exist around the world.

“Their dedication to our safety is one that should never be forgotten and that is why we honour them for what they do.

“It was wonderful to see so many representatives from the Forces at our event, be they regulars, reservists, cadets or Veterans.

“The 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings recently was a very solemn occasion – reminding us of the tremendous bravery and terrible sacrifices that were made to bring peace to a troubled world.

“Sadly, there are still so many threats to a peaceful world today – so we must continue to honour and respect the work of our Armed Forces.”