Education support charity fundraising for Kilbryde

Published: Friday 14 June 2024

This image shows the Provost and others holding the numbers 510 after Education Resources raised money for the Provost's Touch a Life Make a Difference charity initiative

Contributions continue to pour in for the Touch a Life, Make a Difference 2024 charity initiative.

Led by Provost Margaret Cooper, it will encourage fundraising for local good causes in South Lanarkshire.

It was agreed at a previous meeting of the Council that the first beneficiary of the new initiative will be Kilbryde Hospice.

The initiative sees an innovative partnership between the Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire’s office and the Provost’s Office.

And the council’s Education Resources team raised £510 for the fund.

Provost Cooper said: “I would like to thank all the staff from Education Resources who went out their way to raise money for our initiative.

“It will be put to good use, and we are well on our way to raising a significant amount of money for the Kilbryde Hospice.”

Executive Director of Education Resources Carol McKenzie said: “We were all delighted to support this worthwhile cause and I would like to thank the generosity of the staff who contributed.”