Changing from car to bus is a breath of fresh air

Published: Thursday 13 June 2024

This is a generic image of a bus pulling out of Hamilton Bus Station

Ditching her car for the bus has allowed Sharon McCafferty to arrive relaxed and better prepared for the working day.

Sharon, one of the council’s vocational development keyworkers, is already seeing the benefits, including reduced stress and increased free time, after downloading the BetterPoints app as part of the council’s Think, Move, Breathe challenge.

With Clean Air Day taking place next week, Sharon making this positive decision to move to public transport is just one thing that we can all do to help improve the quality of air that we breathe.

Sharon said: "In my job, I work with school children who are mostly in the last six months of school to help them achieve a positive destination upon leaving school. I work in Lanark Grammar School and I travel there from Blantyre every day on the bus after getting rid of my car.

“Getting the bus means I arrive much more relaxed as I'm not having to deal with traffic, plus it's kinder to the environment. I would highly recommend giving the bus a go if you're travelling for work as you can reduce stress levels and earn points at the same time. On top of that, I can charge my phone on the bus and I'm free to answer emails and phone calls which I couldn't do if I had to drive. This is a great help and gives me more free time.”

Fraser Carlin, the council’s Head of Planning & Regulatory Services, said: “The Think, Move, Breathe challenge is a great way to encourage everyone to choose more sustainable ways to travel.

“Sharon’s story is a great example of why you don’t need a car to commute between our more urban areas and rural communities.

“Travelling actively delivers many benefits including healthier citizens, more connected communities, reduced traffic congestion, and better air quality.”

And with a chance to earn rewards everyone who lives, works or studies in South Lanarkshire can get involved. People are encouraged to walk, wheel, cycle and use public transport to earn rewards that can be spent in local cafes, exchange for shopping vouchers or donate to Kilbryde Hospice.

Find out more about Think, Move, Breathe and download the free app at