Volunteers work boosted through Community Planning Partnership

Published: Friday 7 June 2024

Clydesdale Community Partnership’s chair Pat Mavor (left) and Springhall and Whitlawburn Our Place Our Plan chair Cheryl Burnett.

This week is volunteer week with the Community Planning Partnership helping support organisations across South Lanarkshire.

To help promote Volunteers' Week, the CPP is highlighting the wide range of support it can offer local agencies and organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Together, the partners work effectively with each other to improve public services across South Lanarkshire.

Paul Manning, Chief Executive of South Lanarkshire Council, said: “Voluntary groups play an absolutely vital role in making our communities what they are today.

“Through partnership working, volunteers from community councils and other community bodies work with South Lanarkshire Council, the NHS, the police and other agencies to look at ways to tackle common issues.

“So, a big thank you to all the volunteers out there who, through working with the CPP and its board, strive to resolve issues facing some of the most vulnerable groups in our communities.”

The CPP helps build links between communities and acts as an intermediary between neighbourhood groups to ensure they are represented, influential and fully engaged in community planning.

Cheryl Burnett, chair of the Springhall and Whitlawburn Our Place Our Plan, said: “I am really enjoying working alongside representatives from Cambuslang and Rutherglen Community Partnership’s four community councils.

“Although we are relatively new, our role is to act as an intermediary to ensure that communities are properly and meaningfully engaged, involved and influential in community planning.”

And Clydesdale Community Partnership’s chair, Pat Mavor, added: “I think what's really important is having contacts and making connections so we know who to go to discuss issues that are important to our group.”

Representatives from each partnership also attend board meetings to discuss local issues with officers from services including the council’s Housing and Planning Services, NHS Lanarkshire and Police Scotland.

Involvement in the partnership also offers volunteers training and developmental opportunities.

For more information about the CPP and to find out how to get involved, please contact communities@southlanarkshire.gov.uk.