Letterbox opened for your ideas

Published: Friday 14 October 2022

image of a letter dropping through a letterbox

Residents across South Lanarkshire are being encouraged to tell the council their ideas.

An Ideas Letterbox has been created as a simple way for people to send in their ideas, which will be read and responded to by the people who might be able to take them forward.

Council Leader Joe Fagan said: “We want to make South Lanarkshire a listening council.

“We will of course still continue to consult directly with local residents on issues that affect them.

“But we also want to hear people’s ideas on ways to improve the way we deliver our services, and indeed any thoughts on how we can work together to make South Lanarkshire a better place to live, work, study and visit.”

Anyone who submits an idea will also be asked for their name and contact details. They will also be able to specify whether or not they want feedback.

There will be an option to send the idea to a specific resource or service.

Councillor Fagan added: “Don’t worry if you are not sure who the idea should go to – we will be able to make sure it goes to the right person.”

Please send us your ideas using our online Ideas Letterbox