Primary pupils awarded for eco poster entries

Published: Tuesday 5 April 2022

eco poster winners being awarded their certificates by Climate Action Strathaven and Strathaven Academy Eco Committee

A poster competition asking ‘What can I do’ has shown just how aware primary pupils are of the dangers facing our planet.

Climate Action Strathaven, working closely with Strathaven Academy’s Eco Committee, invited pupils from all the primary schools in the secondary school’s learning community to come up with hard-hitting posters promoting what everyone can do to help combat climate change.

Climate Action Strathaven’s Project Worker Sarah Sall, said: “The posters not only showed some great artistic talent but really did illustrate just how concerned they are about the planet and how much they want to help raise awareness.

"Such a lot of work went into the submissions from all year groups. Everyone who entered should be very proud of their entries."

The judges had a hard time choosing the winners from the hundreds of entries that were submitted. But after a difficult time of virtual judging the winners have now been announced.

  • Overall Winner - Emma Jamieson - Chapelton Primary School
  • Glassford Primary School Winner - Sophie Anderson
  • Kirklandpark Primary School Winner - Harry Miller
  • St Patrick's Primary School Winner - Daniel Steel
  • Wester Overton Primary School Winner - Joshua Galbraith

The winners were each given a £5 voucher and a certificate whilst the overall winner was also presented with a second-hand bicycle from Climate Action Strathaven's second-hand Bike Shop.

John McGarrie, Strathaven Academy’s Lead Sustainability Teacher, said: “Congratulations must go to everyone involved in this exciting and inspiring competition.

“It was a great way for children to get across their own ideas following on from the COP26 Summit in Glasgow towards the end of last year.

“What they learned there has really been expressed through these posters which shows just how concerned they are about the planet and what we all must do to protect our climate.”