Anniversary is a sparkling occasion for talented couple

Published: Monday 7 March 2022

Provost Ian McAllan with East Kilbride couple Larry and Ann McClemont on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

Creativity is integral to the lives of an East Kilbride couple, but one of their best creations has been a wonderful marriage.

Larry and Ann McClemont have celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary after spending all their married life in East Kilbride.

As with so many of their generation, the pair met “at the dancing” in Glasgow, although Ann teases her husband that “he still can’t dance”.

That may or may not be the case, Larry has musical talent in abundance, however. Although he was a quantity surveyor to trade, spending 26 years of his working life with building giants McTaggart and Meikle, he lists “playing jazz piano” as a major hobby.

That description as a pastime hides a long and successful period playing at an enviable level.

“I have been playing since I was ten, and was semi-pro for 40 years,” said Larry, now 82.

“In that time, I played with a host of people but one that is particularly notable was Alex Harvey, in his first band. We supported Vince Eager’s band during a tour of small venues and his bass guitarist was none other than a young man by the name of Paul McCartney!”

Larry’s musical career also saw him achieve the distinction of being the last pianist ever to play at Glasgow’s Locarno Ballroom, but artistic talent is not his sole preserve in his household.

Ann (79) learnt to work with stained glass 25 years ago and the stunning quality of her work can easily be seen in the many examples around their home.

Keen to help others find the same enjoyment as she does in the skill, she ran a stained-glass club for around 15 years until the pandemic struck.

She said: “I had seen a course teaching it advertised at Stow College and it really caught my interest. It was a new class and only took 16 people, and the queue for it was huge and so I thought I had no chance of being accepted – but I was, and I found that I really loved it.

“I enjoyed it so much over time that I started the club – not profit-making, just to let other people discover it as well. It was a really great group of people who all got on so well and the social aspect was really valuable, so I hope we will be able to get suitable new premises organised to let us all get together again.”

The couple’s marriage saw them bring up their two children, Stephen – now a British Airways captain – and IT consultant Lauren, and they also have grand-children Jamie and Maddie to watch with interest, now, as well.

Their milestone wedding anniversary was marked by South Lanarkshire Provost Ian McAllan, who presented them with flowers, a special bottle of whisky and a certificate on behalf of the council, as well as adding his own personal congratulations.

Provost McAllan said: “It was an honour to help this lovely couple commemorate the remarkable achievement that is 60 years of marriage, and it was also an utter pleasure to meet with them and discover the talents they have and that they have brought to others.

“It was absolutely fascinating chatting to them and they were so interesting that I could have spent all day listening to their stories.

“I offer them my congratulations on reaching this milestone and wish them every happiness for their years ahead in each other’s company.”