Statue to recognise importance of Clydesdale horses

Published: Friday 12 November 2021

This image shows a Clydesdale horse in a field

A giant statue of a Clydesdale horse is set to be erected after councillors approved a contribution from common good funds.

The £3,000 top-up means the Lanark Community Development Trust (LCDT) has reached its £55,000 target to create the four-metre-tall statue, which will be located beside Lanark Auction Market.

Gladys Miller, chair of the Finance and Corporate Resources Committee that approved the contribution on Wednesday, said the statue would be more than just a new landmark in South Lanarkshire.

Councillor Miller said: “It will also be a fitting recognition of an iconic animal that has been associated with the area for hundreds of years. 

“A key objective of the organisers is to encourage local residents and visitors to learn more about the area’s heritage and traditions, and I am delighted that as part of the project every primary school pupil in the area will be given a booklet about the history of the Clydesdale horse.”

The committee was told that the LCDT had initially requested a contribution of up to £10,000 from the common good fund, but that fundraising from grants, public and business donations had reached £52,000.

This left a shortfall of only £3,000, which will now be made available from the Lanark Common Good Fund, which is administered by South Lanarkshire Council. In addition to Lanark, the council administers common good funds for Hamilton, Rutherglen and Biggar.