South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture SCIO (SLLC) is an expansion of South Lanarkshire Leisure Ltd, which was formed on 1 April 2002. Its remit was to manage the operation of sports and recreation facilities on behalf of South Lanarkshire Council. From 1 October 2010 SLLC's remit also includes managing Halls, Country Parks, Museums, Libraries, Outdoor Resource Base and Arts Development. We aim to help the people of South Lanarkshire to live healthier, happier, more connected lives.
A considerable amount of information about South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture’s services and activities is published on the website. This includes its Guide to Information in the Scheme. When seeking information about SLLC, please make use of this website to check whether the information is already available online. You can search the website through the on-screen navigation headings.
Gender Pay Gap legislation was introduced in April 2017. This requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap as of 31 March 2017. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, expressed relative to men’s earnings.
Download the SLLC Gender Pay Gap Statement.
This report outlines the achievements of South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture during the period April 2023 to March 2024.
Download the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Annual Strategic Report
These reports outline the financing and expenditures of South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture SCIO and SLL Trading Ltd.
Download the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture SCIO Annual Accounts report
Download the SLL Trading Ltd Annual Accounts report
South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture’s Strategy 2022-2027 sets out our organisation's vision of ‘Healthier, Happier and More Connected Lives'.
Download South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture's Strategy 2022-2027
The Board meets quarterly to consider Company business.
South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture's Board Meetings
The Board meets annually to ratify Company business.
Download the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Annual General Meeting pack
South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (SCIO) is committed to advancing the Fair Work First criteria, discover how we plan to achieve this in the link below.
Visit the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Fair Work First
As a Leisure and Cultural SCIO we have set ourselves the vision of providing opportunities to enrich people's lives. It is our job to ensure that fairness is a priority for all the work that we do.
Our aims are simple; we want to develop best practice as an employer; to eliminate discrimination and harassment; and to promote positive attitudes throughout our workforce and community.
We all have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. This is the key to a fair and open work environment and to providing the best services.
Our Chief Executive leads on our commitment to equality and diversity to ensure the experience of employees and members of our community is a positive one.
Procurement is the full range of activities related to purchasing works, supplies and services. This includes the process of supplier engagement, advertising, supplier selection and subsequent management of any contract arising.
All of our services involve procurement. Procurement can range from engaging a contractor to maintain essential equipment through to purchasing pens and pencils for individual Service use.
Effective procurement supports the SCIO's aims and objectives, helping it deliver high quality services which meet the current and future needs of local people based on value for money. The Procurement Strategy sets out the procurement aims and objectives for the SCIO until 31 March 2022.
Procurement in the Public Sector is subject to the Law of Scotland and the way in which the SCIO purchases works, supplies and services is governed by these laws.
Public Sector Procurement in Scotland is subject to The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, The Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and The Procurement (Scotland) Regulations 2016. This legislative framework governs how any public organisation in Scotland purchases works where the estimated value exceeds £2million, and supplies and services where the estimated value exceeds £50,000.
There are some differences in the relevant procurement law depending on the contract value. However, every procurement process must comply with the basic principles of transparency, openness, non-discrimination and equal treatment.
The legislative framework is supplemented by the SCIO's Standing Orders on Contracts. These set out the provisions which must be adhered to at all times when procuring works, supplies or services. This applies regardless of the value of the requirement.
The Contract Register is a record of all contracts used by the SCIO where the contract value exceeds £2,500. This includes contracts awarded by the SCIO and contracts used by the SCIO but awarded by other bodies e.g. Scotland Excel and Procurement Scotland.
The Contracts Register highlights the contracted / preferred suppliers to be used when sourcing works, supplies and services.
Anyone wishing to supply South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture should register on Public Contracts Scotland. Registration is free and only takes a few minutes to complete.
SLLC are moving to a new e-procurement system from 04 November 2024. The implementation will take a phased approach across the various services over the remainder of the 2024/25 financial year but the main changes which will affect suppliers of the SCIO are as follows:
As details of the rollout are further confirmed, this page will be updated with further information, but should you have any questions please email