Digital library
Enjoy your favourite reads here. Whether it is eBooks, eNewspapers or eAudio books you will find something to tempt you from our online collections.
Make sure you have your membership details handy as you will need your Membership number and PIN to get started. If you aren't already a member you can join South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Libraries online.
Enjoy your favourite authors past and present by browsing through over 5,000 titles. You can borrow up to 12 titles at a time for up to 21 days. Download the BorrowBox App if using a mobile device or visit the BorrowBox website if using a PC or laptop.
If you prefer listening to your books, or have difficulty reading, why not download an audiobook from over 1000 titles? You can borrow up to 12 titles at a time for up to 21 days. Download the BorrowBox App if using a mobile device or visit the BorrowBox website if using a PC or laptop.
eMagazines and eNewspapers
If you like to keep up to date with current affairs, or read about your hobbies and interests, then check out our collection of over 7000 online newspapers and magazines from the UK and the rest of the world. Download the PressReader app or visit the website. Use the 'Library Card' option to sign in. If you are asked to pay for a magazine or newspaper, simply sign out of your account and then sign back in. Each session lasts for thirty days before you need to sign out and in again.