Previous Curator's Choice Items

Information on previous Curator's Choice items can be found below.
1st Larkhall 13th Lanarkshire Scout Troup Commemorative Plaque
The 1st Larkhall 13th Lanarkshire Scout troop was one of the first scout troops to be formed after the founding of the boy scouts movement in 1908 by Lord Baden-Powell.
2nd Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Photograph Album
Photograph Album of 2nd Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
8th Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) Officers Photograph
This photograph shows the officers of the 8th Battalion The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles), taken in late 1914.
9th Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers trophy
A circular silver shield mounted on a velvet covered wood base with folding stand.
10th Duke of Hamilton's custom made shotgun
This fine example of a single barrel shotgun was custom made by James Purdey & Sons of London for Alexander Douglas-Hamilton, the 10th Duke of Hamilton in 1842.
A Clean Sweep
The onset of warmer weather traditionally means ‘Spring cleaning’. This harks back to earlier times.
A Risky Business: Life as a Miner
Lanarkshire has a centuries-old association with coal mining. Tough and dangerous, the belongings and outlook of miners often reflected this.
Annie Swan Annuals
The annuals were published in the 1930s by the Dundee company, John Leng and Co.
Ballot Box: Hamilton Liberal Society 1801
Before national sick pay and old age pension schemes, many working people formed their own groups to supply cover for illness and old age.
Blantyre Riots Baton
This baton is believed to have been used by John Gray who was a grocer in Blantyre to defend himself and his shop during a riot February 1887.
Boer War Field Medical Equipment
This rather crude looking saw was used during the Second Boer War from 1899-1902 to amputate the arms of soldiers injured in action.
Bradford-Martin Bugle
The earliest Riflemen used bugles rather than drums to communicate orders on the battlefield.
Cartes de Visite and Cabinet Cards
Today we can share photographs of ourselves easily, online or by email. In the early days of photography, however, photographs were one-offs and could not be easily reproduced.
Charles Dickens Royal Doulton Figurines
The Charles Dickens Royal Doulton figurines were designed by one of their premier designers Leslie Harradine, and issued between 1923 and 1939.
A chatelaine is an accessory commonly used by ladies in the 1700s and 1800s. In the 1700s, however, chatelaines were more commonly known as ‘equipages.’
Christmas Cards - The Cameronian (Scottish Rifles)
Sending Christmas greetings to family, friends and colleagues.
D S Robertson Shield
This impressive looking shield is known as the D.S. Robertson shield and was played for by the members of Rutherglen Public Bowling Green Club, now known as Overtoun Park Bowling Club.
Douglas Graham Moncrieff Wright
A collection of three German epaulettes were sent home as souvenirs by Lt. Col. Douglas Graham Moncrieff Wright.
Dykehead Rows WW1 Roll of Honour
This roll of honour commemorates the men of Dykehead Rows who served in the First World War.
Early Spectacles
Spectacles or eyeglasses are thought to have been around since the 1200s.
English concertina made by Lachenal c 1925
The English concertina was highly fashionable, particularly in the urban areas of Scotland, during the first half of the 20th century.
F H Godfrey Boxing Trophy
This handsome trophy was made in England and was won by Corporal Godfrey in 1935. His family kept it until gifting it to the museum in 2008
Freedom of the Burgh of Hamilton casket
This silver casket was presented to Sir Henry Shanks Keith (1853-1944) on the occasion of the opening of the new Town Hall in Hamilton in 1928.
Glencairn Cup
Glencairn Cup, played for in Cambuslang - Rutherglen interschool football competition.
Hamilton Palace Colliery Fossils
Unidentified plant fossils found near Hamilton Palace colliery.
Herbarium Plant Specimens
A herbarium is a collection of plant specimens preserved for future research. Herbaria are used to identify and classify different plant specimens.
High Days and Holidays
Reminders of early 19th century Bothwellhaugh Gospel Hall outings.
Holiday Souvenirs
This collection includes a selection of souvenir items from South Lanarkshire, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1900s.
Hot Water Bottle, Caledonian Pottery
This hot water bottle is for the feet. It has a flat base so that it can stand upright easily, either in a bed or on the floor of a coach or train carriage.
Hugh McKirdy Artwork
Once upon a time, the Henderson family of Merseyside embarked upon a quest…
Inter-Company Football Cup
Inter-Company Football Cup - this silver cup was awarded as first prize for an Association football tournament that took place in France during the First World War.
Japanese Pottery
These 3 items of Japanese pottery are from the Joseph Turner collection which forms part of the Burnbrae Bequest
Jimmy Gibb Wood Carvings
Jimmy Gibb lived at his childhood home at 52 Miller St, Hamilton until his death in 1980.
John McAlpine Bronze Miniature
This bronze statue is a miniature of that which sits on top of the war memorial in Cambuslang Park.
Ladies' Companion Sets
For centuries people have mended and re-mended their clothing. The phrase ‘Make Do and Mend’ was popular during the Second World War.
Lanarkshire Yeomanry Tunic and Helmet
Tunic and helmet worn by an officer of the Lanarkshire Yeomanry.
Marlaw pottery figure
Comical pottery figure from a range made by the Marlaw pottery company in Hamilton.
Medals Collection
As the 100th anniversary of the First Word War passed we wondered at the bravery of those who fought and died for our freedom.
Medical Equipment and Surgical Instruments
A collection of medical equipment was donated to the museum in March of 2002, following the closure of St Mary’s Hospital, Lanark.
Military Badges and Insignia
In 2015, the Museum Service was successful in acquiring funding from Museums Galleries Scotland to help digitise part of the military uniform collection.
Mourning Wear
These objects are examples of mourning items which would be worn following the death of a close relative.
Royal Burgh of Lanark pipe banner
One of eight pipe banners presented to the 1st Battalion of the Cameronians (Scottish Rifles).
Royal Doulton Doris Keane Figurine
This beautiful Royal Doulton figurine shows the American actress Doris Keane, in her role as Margherita Cavallini in the 1913 stage play, “Romance”.
Royal Jubilee Commemorative Items
When Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her Diamond Jubilee she marked 60 years of her reign. Her record period as British Monarch is matched only by Queen Victoria.
Rutherglen town crier's bell
Dating from 1879, the town crier's bell was used by Archie Yuill, Rutherglen's last town crier.
Shoemaking was an important trade in the South Lanarkshire area in the 1700s and 1800s. Shoes and boots were handmade by craftsmen who were mostly self-employed.
South Lanarkshire Cooperatives Objects
South Lanarkshire Cooperatives Objects. 2012 is the United Nations (UN) International Year of Cooperatives.
Souvenir Glass, Empire Exhibition, Glasgow, 1938
Our collection incluses souvenirs of the Empire Exhibition which was held in Bellahouston Park in Glasgow in 1938.
Blood pressure testing instrument.
Straight Razor
Straight razor dating back to the early 1900s.
Table Top Cream Maker (1930s)
Table top cream maker 1930s, allowed owners to make their own fresh cream from butter and milk.
The Doctors Gorman chest
This chest formed part of a presentation made by the people of Rutherglen to Dr John Gorman on 11 October 1850.
The Duke of Hamilton's Shotgun
The Duke of Hamilton’s Shotgun.
The Lanarkshire Master Plumbers Association
The Lanarkshire Master Plumbers Association.
The Oaks under Steam and Sail
Painting of The Oaks under steam and sail, by unknown artist.
Thomas Grant "The Old Steeple"
This oil painting shows the old steeple of St Mary the Virgin’s church in Rutherglen in winter. The steeple is thought to date to around the year 1400.
What were your favourite toys?
Toys and Games
This wooden horse is part of a collection of toys and games. The collection was gifted to the museum by a local man.
Wedgwood Jasperware
This bowl is part of the Burnbrae Bequest donated to John Hastie Museum in Strathaven in the 1920s by Joseph Turner in memory of his mother.
WW1 Boots
Can you imagine what life would have been like for a soldier in the trenches?
WW1 Trench Periscope
The periscope worked using two mirrors at 45 degrees to each other to reflect a view down a barrel or tube to the user who was safely out of sight of snipers.
WW2 Special Service Commemorative Badge
A commemorative badge awarded for special service during the Second World War. The badge was given to Janet Lang Johnston, from Hamilton.
WW2 Women's Volunteer Service
‘War had been declared. There was a call to action stations. Where was women’s place? We didn’t wonder long…’
Willow Pattern Ashet
Willow pattern Ashet (large plate).