Personal training

We understand exercise can often feel like a chore. It’s never fun watching the time on a treadmill, counting sit ups, or even wandering around the gym aimlessly deciding which cardio machine burns the most calories or which resistance machines are best for working ‘tums, bums and thighs’.
If you can identify with this, then personal training may be the answer for you. Our highly motivated personal trainers can establish achievable goals for you and create fun, interactive sessions tailored to your needs. You may even be surprised by how fun and effective exercise can be!
Our personal trainers can also offer sustainable nutrition advice which allows you to enjoy life eating carbs and snacking on your favourite guilty pleasures. It’s all about balance.
Sessions can be 1 to 1 or 1 to 2. You’re in charge. It’s your goal, your sessions, and your Personal Trainer. For further information on prices or how to book your personal training please email us at You may be one click away from discovering your true potential.
The following links take you to information on our Personal Trainers:
Callum Strang - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture
Carla Cassidy - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture
Liam McInnes - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture
Mark Doyle - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture
Matthew Connelly - South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture