Disability sports

The Sport and Physical Activity Team aim to encourage and promote sport and physical activity to young people with disabilities in South Lanarkshire.
Work with Community Clubs
In partnership with South Lanarkshire Disability Sport, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture work with a number of community clubs that offer various sports activities for people with a disability.
Local Events
Every year South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture run a number of local participation events designed to encourage young people with a disability to get involved in sport. These include an Annual Disability Festival, Wheelchair School of Sports, Disability Sportshall Athletics and Disability Inclusion Festival.
Active Schools Co-Ordinators also work with all the ASN schools and bases to provide curricular and extra-curricular sporting opportunities.
Regional and National Events
Scottish Disability Sport and other partners provide a programme of national and regional sports events.
South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture support young people in the participation of these events and also host some of these events within South Lanarkshire such as the ‘Come and Tri’ Disability Triathlon event held at Blantyre Leisure Centre over the last few years.
ACE Disability Programme
We also have a disability section within our ACE Junior Membership. This has a variety of classes that are specifically suitable for young people with a disability whether that be a physical, sensory or learning difficulty.
For further information on the events please contact SLLC on 01698 476195.