Funding information

This funding pack was created by South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture in partnership with South Lanarkshire Council’s External Funding Team. The pack has been designed to supplement our existing programme of Club Development and Training. It is aimed at supporting clubs to attract external funding. It details helpful tips as well as specific funds that are available to community clubs.
We hope you find the information in the booklet useful. Information provided is accurate at time of writing but is subject to change at external organisations' discretion.
For further support, the links below take you to Club Development information and how to access our Sports Development team.
Jargon Buster
Activities: The actions, tasks and work a project or organisation carries out to achieve its aims.
Aim: Why an organisation or project exists and the broad effect that it wants to have. A summary of the overall difference it wants to make.
Beneficiaries: People who will benefit from your project.
Capital costs: Items or equipment you need to buy, build, or repair. These might include items for your group to use, such as bicycles or computers, or repairing or renovating a building.
Evaluation: Using information from monitoring to understand the performance of an organisation or project. You can do it on an ongoing basis e.g., discussion at a committee meeting about how things are going. You can also do it at the project end, by considering went well and what you would improve next time.
Evidence: Facts and proof that back up your claims when applying for funding. For example, evidence that the people supported by your project are facing particular challenges which your project will help overcome.
Indicators: The things you will measure to find out whether you are achieving your outcomes and outputs. For example, the number of children attending a sports activity.
Match funding: Some funders will require this funding from another source to help meet the project costs.
Monitoring: Collecting and recording information in a routine and systematic way to check progress against plans and enable evaluation.
Outcomes: The benefits that happen as a result of your work. For example, a children’s sports activity outcome could be: “local children have improved physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing”.
Outputs: What you actually do to achieve your outcomes. So, in the example above, an output could be “running ten classes for twenty local children”.
Project plan: Sets out what you want to achieve and the steps you will take to make it happen.
Qualitative data: Information about what people think or feel about your project.
Quantitative data: Numerical information about how many, how long or how often you have done, achieved or provided something.
Revenue costs: Things you need to pay for that are not physical objects or buildings. They include salary costs, refreshments, volunteer expenses, venue hire and publicity.
Writing funding applications
- Have a clearly defined project plan and stick to it. Don’t overstate or overcommit to a project or set of outcomes that you may not be able to deliver.
- Take note of any deadlines. Funders will not consider applications that do not meet their deadlines no matter how good the application is.
- Use plain English. Use short sentences and avoid acronyms and technical language. Bullet points can be a good way to share a lot of information in an easy to understand format.
- Read each question carefully and ensure your answers include the information requested in the question. Take note of any word limits the funder may have in place.
- Be specific about what activities you will deliver. For example, projects that will deliver sports activities for children could state “We will run two 1-hour badminton sessions per week for 12 months for 30 young people aged 12-16”.
- Ensure your project aligns with the funder’s priorities. For example, sports projects can be pitched in different ways: reducing isolation of a hard to reach demographic; improving mental and physical health and wellbeing; or helping participants develop soft skills like team work, communication and resilience.
- Provide evidence that your work is needed. Information on evidence of need can be found in the useful links section.
- Include any additional information requested by the funder e.g. copy of the group’s constitution or most recent financial accounts. This must be included or the application may be rejected.
- Ensure the budget is as accurate as possible. Get quotes for everything you want to purchase.
- Ask somebody else to read your application before submitting it.
- Keep a copy of the final submitted application.
Useful Links
- SLLC information page -
- South Lanarkshire Council: Getting Involved In Your Community -
- SLC: Funding Search Tool -
- SLC: Social Enterprise Support -
- SLC: Business Support -
- Voluntary Action South Lanarkshire -
- Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations -
- SIMD: Scottish Government Statistics -
- SCOTPHO: Health Statistics -
- South Lanarkshire Council: Statistical Information -
- Grants Online -
- sportscotland -
- Creative Scotland -
- Crowd funding -
- Development Trusts Association Scotland -
Funders details
This information is subject to change at the funders’ discretion; please thoroughly check each funder's website for full details before starting any application.
The National Lottery Community Fund - National Lottery Awards for All Scotland
Awards for All offers funding to support what matters to people and communities. It is supported by National Lottery Community Fund Scotland, sportscotland and Creative Scotland. This fund:
- Offers grants between £300 to £10,000.
- Supports projects that bring people together and build strong relationships in and across communities; improve the places and spaces that matter to communities; and help more people to reach their potential, by supporting them at the earliest possible stage.
- Is open for applications at any time and you must use the grant within one year.
- Is open to voluntary or community organisations; registered charities; constituted groups or clubs; not-for-profit companies and Community Interest Companies; schools; and statutory bodies.
Telephone: 0300 123 7110
The National Lottery Community Fund – Cost of Living Support Scotland
Grants are available for projects to help support individuals, families and communities currently experiencing hardship due to the cost-of-living increases. This fund:
- Offers grants between £10,001 and £75,000.
- Supports projects supporting individuals, families and communities currently experiencing hardship as a result of the cost-of-living increases.
- Is open on an ongoing basis with no identified deadlines.
- Particularly interested in applications from smaller voluntary and community organisations.
Telephone: 0300 123 7110
South Lanarkshire Council – Renewable Energy Fund – Micro Grants
Community Councils across South Lanarkshire have each been given £5000 annually from the South Lanarkshire Renewable Energy Fund to provide Micro grants to support local communities. This fund:
- Offers grants of up to £500.
- Funds activity which: enhances quality of life for local residents; contributes to vibrant, healthy, successful and sustainable communities; and/or promotes community spirit and encourages community activity.
- Is open to groups – including those who don’t have a written constitution or set of rules – and individuals.
People’s Postcode Trust
People's Postcode Trust supports smaller charities and good causes in Scotland to make a difference to their community for the benefit of people and planet. This fund:
- Offers grants between £500 and £25,000.
- Funds activity under the following themes: improve mental health; physical activity; arts; impact of poverty; marginalised groups and tackling inequality; biodiversity and climate emergency; and green spaces and outdoors.
- Provides funding to organisations with an annual income of £250,000 and below; and for communities that rank as being within the top 15% on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD).
- Is interested in funding groups that are led by and provide services for people from the following groups: communities experiencing racial inequality; people with disabilities; and LGBT+ community.
Telephone: 0131 322 9377
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
Trusthouse gives grants for running costs to charities and not-for-profit organisations under the overarching themes of Rural Issues and Urban Deprivation. Their preference is for front line organisations working directly with people in need. This fund:
- Offers grants between £2,000 and £10,000.
- Within the overarching themes, they are interested in projects which fall roughly into two categories: Community Support; Arts, Education and Heritage.
- Prioritises projects in urban areas where the postcode is ranked within the most deprived 15% of the latest Index of Multiple Deprivation, and rural areas.
- Does not provide funding over 50% of total costs and annual income must be under £250,000.
Foundation Scotland – Mary Janet King Fund
The fund welcomes applications from community groups working with young people in arts and music. They are particularly interested in projects which are helping young people to take up music. This fund:
- Offers grants up to £5,000.
- Cannot fund non-constituted groups.
Telephone: 0131 524 0300
Asda Foundation – Empowering Local Communities Grant
The Empowering Local Communities Grant is designed to support a broad range of activities helping to transform communities and improve lives. This fund:
- Offers grants between £400 and £1600.
- Provides funding for the basic essentials to address an immediate need and/or situation; to transform and/or improve a space/activity; and for bringing people together and encouraging community connections.
- Requires you to make contact with the Community Champion at your local store.
Telephone: Local store
Email: Local store
Asda Foundation – Cost of Living Grant
The Cost of Living grant aims to support the increased running costs groups are facing because of the Cost of Living crisis, along with essentials. This fund:
- Offers grants between £500 and £2,000.
- Offers grants under two themes: Increased rent and utility bill support – to support with increases in bills, and to stay open longer to help people with ‘warm spaces’; and Increased food costs support – to enable groups to support those impacted by increased food costs.
- Requires you to make contact with the Community Champion at your local store.
Telephone: Local store
Email: Local store
Greene King IPA - Proud To Pitch In
The aim of this fund is to support sports focussed projects that positively impact their club and/or the local community. This fund:
- Offers grants of up to £3,000.
- Provides funding for projects including: Renovations of a club’s facilities making them more inclusive and accessible; Coaching qualifications and referee courses; Coaching costs of running existing programmes or new sessions; and New equipment and kit.
- Is open all year round with grants distributed regularly.
- Is open to community groups and other informal groups, registered charities, social enterprises, and community businesses.
The Weir Charitable Trust
The Weir Charitable Trust aims to support Scottish-based community groups and small charities to provide services across Scotland to help the Scottish community. These groups and charities are likely to have found it difficult to access funds elsewhere. This fund:
- Offers grants of up to £25,000 (in exceptional circumstances).
- Provides funding for projects in the following categories: sport - encouraging and increasing public participation in sport; recreational facilities - provision or organisation of recreational facilities including pitches; animal welfare; health; and culture.
- Has two annual deadlines for submission of applications; next two are 31/8/23 and 29/2/24
- Funds community groups or small charities, applying from a Scottish address, with an income of less than £125,000 a year.
Localgiving – Magic Little Grants
Magic Little Grants offers small pots of funding to support the work of grass-roots organisations to launch or strengthen their services. This fund:
- Offers grants of £500.
- Provides funding under the following themes: Providing support to improve mental health; Enabling participation in physical activity; Enabling participation in the arts; Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty; Supporting marginalised groups and tackling inequality; Improving biodiversity and responding to the climate emergency; and Improving green spaces and increasing access to the outdoors.
- Is open to applications until 31/10/23.
- Offers funding to organisations in their first year of operation or that have an annual income under £250,000.
Wooden Spoon
Wooden Spoon funds projects that enhance and support the lives of children and young people (under the age of 25) who are disadvantaged physically, mentally or socially. This fund:
- Offers grants for activities working directly with children and young people and having a positive influence on their lives as a result of the activities or service provided.
- Is open all year round with grants distributed regularly but applicants must complete an expression of interest first.
- Asks that projects which are educational or disability sports-focused must have a key rugby element to engage children and young people.
- Won’t consider salary costs, administration costs, professional fees and on-going overheads related to a capital project.
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust
The Bruce Wake Charitable Trust considers grant applications related to the provision of leisure activities for the disabled. This fund:
- Offers grants predominantly under £5,000.
- Is particularly interested in applications whereby the potential beneficiaries meet one or all of the following criteria: potential beneficiaries are physically disabled wheelchair users; improved access for wheelchair users is proposed; and sporting or leisure activity involving disabled wheelchair users is proposed.
- Is open all year round with applications considered quarterly.
Telephone: 01572 491100
Cash for Kids – Cost of Living Grants
Cash for Kids have launched this new fund to provide emergency essentials that support the physical and mental well-being of children who are struggling. This fund:
- Offers grants of £50 per child per household.
- Provides funding to cover costs including food, clothing and household energy costs; but will consider anything that helps meet children’s most basic needs.
- Will remain open until all current funds have been given out.
- Welcomes applications that come on behalf of a family from professionals within a governing body (e.g. social services, GP, teacher, charity, community group etc.).
UK Youth – Cost of Living Funding
UK Youth and Pears Foundation have launched a fund to support youth organisations through the cost of living crisis aims to benefit thousands of young people across the country. This fund:
- Offers three year unrestricted grants of approximately 10% of the current turnover of applicant organisations.
- Provides funding to ensure that as many vital youth services as possible are able to keep the lights on and support young people in their local community. It will support youth organisations delivering high quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed or cut back due to rising core costs or a need to address unprecedented demand.
- Is open for applications under £10,000 until further notice.
- Is open to organisations with a maximum annual income of £500,000, that have been in operation for at least 2 years, and that have at least 70% of beneficiaries aged 8-25.
sportscotland – Coach Education Subsidy Funding
Coach education subsidy funding aims to support the development of coaches through financial subsidies of the cost of their development and the attainment of relevant qualifications to complement their skills.
- Funding is provided by sportscotland to assist coaches to reduce the cost of their learning and development as this can often be seen as a barrier to participation and development.
- Applicants can apply at any time.
- Individuals or groups can apply.
- The sport must be on the specified list and you may need support from the sport governing body. Contact the coach education lead within your sport's governing body.
Email: Sport Governing Body
Twelve Top Tips
1. Research and identify funders that will support your activity, look at previously funded projects.
2. Read the guidance and questions carefully, answer all parts of the question.
3. Be clear and succinct, have an 'elevator pitch' / no technical language / no acronyms etc.
4. Sell your group and your achievements, the funder won’t know how great you are unless you tell them.
5. Do not exceed the word limit.
6. Provide all the information and supporting documents requested.
7. Be realistic about the amount of funding requested.
8. Have an appropriate budget and check that it adds up.
9. Build a relationship with funder where possible, attend information sessions etc.
10. Do not apply to all potential funders at once.
11. Have someone else read the bid before submitting it.
12. If unsuccessful ask the funder for feedback.