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Autism pride flag raised high at council HQ
Published: Friday, 18 June 2021

Leo Fallone raising the flag
A global awareness day for autism has a special significance in South Lanarkshire.
Today, June 18, organisations from across the globe celebrate Autistic Pride with a variety of events. The purpose is to recognise the diversity of autistic people and the infinite possibilities and variations within the autistic community, represented by the Autistic Pride rainbow symbol.
This morning, Ramon Hutchingson, of South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s Autism Resources Coordination Hub (ARCH), helped to raise the Autistic Pride flag at South Lanarkshire Council Headquarters along with Leo Fallone who lives with Autism.
“Being autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease,” said Ramon. “It means your brain works in a different way from other people. We are committed to shifting attitudes towards acceptance and the realisation that autism is a difference rather than a disability.”
Ramon added: “During the Covid-19 pandemic, the strength of our autism community has shone through.”
Since its inception in 2016, ARCH has been focussed on facilitating the development of autism services in South Lanarkshire communities - many of which are delivered by communities themselves - alongside partners in the statutory, private and third sectors. During lockdown, and in the absence of face-to-face meetings and contacts, various support networks, including regular parent carer support groups, have continued to be held digitally. Well-established community support on social media – instigated by ARCH – has also proved valuable to parents supporting autistic children during lockdown.
Ramon added: “We’ve always been driven by listening and being informed by genuine engagement. From that grassroots, bottom-up feedback we’ve helped consolidate natural links between people with shared experiences of autism, providing support when needed. “I know from general feedback these networks and this community has not only been a lifeline for many, but it’s also blossomed in tough times.
“This flag and Autistic Pride Day, for us, represents that strength and diversity”.
Marianne Hayward, Interim Chief Officer of South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership, explained: “Our vision is working together to improve health and wellbeing in the community – with the community.
“Much of our work is about nurturing strength and building on community resource and support. That begins at grassroots level and the work of ARCH – and this flag – exemplifies that sentiment.”
How do I access ARCH?
All you need to be is a South Lanarkshire resident who is affected by autism, either directly as a parent carer or sibling. You can access the ARCH service simply phoning 0344 225 1111.