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Public Notice: IJB Annual Accounts 2019/2020
Published: Monday, 15 June 2020

Public notice alert.
Notice is hereby given, in terms of Section 101(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, and Regulation 9(1) of the Local Authority Accounts (Scotland) Regulations 2014, together with the provisions of Schedule 6 Paragraph 9 of the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that: -
An unaudited copy of the Accounts of South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board for the period from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 will be available to view electronically from Monday 29th June 2020 on the HSCP's website instead of the South Lanarkshire Council’s offices due to the current COVID-19 lockdown arrangements that are in place.
The Annual Accounts and related documents are available for public inspection, free of charge, by any person interested, between Wednesday 1 July 2020 and Wednesday 22nd July 2020 (inclusive).
Any person interested may inspect a copy of the abstract(s) of the accounts to be audited, all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchers and receipts related thereto, and may take copies of any or all parts of the accounts. If a request to review any documents is received, arrangements will be made with each individual to allow the safe inspection of the requested information.
Any person interested may object to the accounts or to any part of those accounts, no later than Thursday 23 July 2020 by sending their objection in writing, together with a statement of the grounds thereof, to the auditor, Fiona Mitchell-Knight, Assistant Director of Audit Services. Due to the current COVID-19 lockdown arrangements, any objections should be sent via email to and by letter to any officer of the Council who may be concerned, at Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton ML3 0AB.
The auditor shall, if requested by the person objecting, the Integration Joint Board, or by any officer of the Integration Joint Board who may be concerned, afford to that person or Integration Joint Board or officer, as the case may be, an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by the auditor with respect to that objection; and any such person or officer may so appear and be heard either personally or by a representative. Due to the restrictions in place by the Scottish Government to control the incidence and transmission of the Coronavirus, the right to appear before the Auditors will be conducted remotely using appropriate electronic communication as an alternative to appearing in person.
Val de Souza
Chief Officer
South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership