Integration Joint Board

From the 1st of April 2016, following a shadow year, the Integration Joint Board took responsibility for planning, commissioning and overseeing the delivery of a wide range of health and social care functions.

These functions will be delivered in an integrated way, primarily by South Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire – known collectively as South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership. Unpaid carers, the voluntary sector and the independent sector are key partners too.

IJB Voting Members 

South Lanarkshire Council (elected members):
Councillors Margaret Walker (Depute Chair), Maureen Chalmers, Eileen Logan, Elise Frame
Councillors Kirsty Williams, Hugh Macdonald, Allan Falconer, John Ross.

NHS Lanarkshire Board:
Lesley McDonald (Chair), Donald Reid, Ally Boyle, Sylvia Stewart


The IJB has also produced Carer Representative Member Guidance

You can view the Board meeting dates, agenda and minutes for 2025 along with the Protocol for Livestreamed Meeting.

The livestream link for the IJB Committee Meeting on 18 March is:

South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board

You can access previous Board meeting dates, agendas and minutes:











Director of Health and Social Care

Professor Soumen Sengupta is the Director of Health and Social Care for South Lanarkshire.

Alongside being Chief Officer for the South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership, he fulfils the role of:

  • Director of Social Work Services for South Lanarkshire Council, with strategic responsibility for the Children and Justice Services.
  • Director of Primary Care for NHS Lanarkshire, providing strategic leadership for pan-Lanarkshire Primary Care services.

His appointment as Director followed an extensive career in public health and in health and social care management; and his having led strategic transformation programmes at local, regional and national levels.

Soumen has a MSc in Public Health from the University of Aberdeen and an MBA from the University of Strathclyde.