Key documents
Find key documents underpinning the work of South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Partnership in the relevant links below. These documents include:
The Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2022-2025 sets out how health and social care services will be delivered in a more integrated way to improve the quality of support for people. Crucially, the plan sets out how services will be delivered in local areas against priorities identified by communities themselves.
The SCP itself is statutory, with a three year planning cycle mandated by the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act. In a South Lanarkshire context, the SCP covers the planning period 2022-2025.
You can read the Strategic Commissioning Plan 2022-2025 and supporting documents Engaging with our Communities and a Strategic Needs Analysis. You can also read our Equality Impact Assessment Report (EQIA), which sets out how considerations of equality were central to developing The Strategic Commissioning Plan.
Code of Conduct for Members of the South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board
The Standards Commission have produced a revised Advice Note for members of Health and Social Care IJB's
Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA)
View the equality impact assessments for 2023-2024 here.
Mainstreaming Equalities
For information on how SL IJB must report on how it proposes to meet the equality duty and our mainstreaming eqaulity actions please read the information on Mainstreaming Equalities.
South Lanarkshire University Health and Social Care Integration Scheme
The Integration Scheme is important as it sets out crucial aspects of how integration will look in South Lanarkshire in the future including:
- The functions of health and social care which are to be delegated to the new H&SCP
- How the delegated functions will be delivered and monitored
- Development of financial management and governance arrangements
Locality Implementation Plans
Clydesdale Locality Implementation Plan 2023/24
East Kilbride Locality Implementation Plan 2023/24
Hamilton Locality Implementation Plan 2023/24
Rutherglen/Cambuslang Locality Implementation Plan 2023/24
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Annual Performance Reports
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2023/24
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2022/23
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2021/22
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2020/21
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2019/20
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Performance Report 2018/19
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Annual Accounts provide an overview of the key outcomes relating to the objectives of the IJB. It considers our financial performance for the year ended 31 March each year and provides an indication of the issues and risks which may impact upon our finances in the future.
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Annual Accounts
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2023/24
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2022/23
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2021/22
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2020/21
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2019/20
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Accounts 2018/19
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Annual Audit Reports
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2023/24
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2022/23
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2021/22
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2020/21
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2019/20
South Lanarkshire IJB Annual Audit Report 2018/19
South Lanarkshire IJB Records Management Plan
The Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 (‘the Act’) came into force in January 2013. The Act requires the IJB and other public bodies to prepare and implement a Records Management Plan (RMP). The RMP sets out arrangements for the management of records within the IJB. Section 5 (1) of the Act requires authorities to keep their plans under review to ensure its arrangements remain fit for purpose.
You can acccess a copy of the South Lanarkshire IJB Assessment Report on the National Records of Scotland website.
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Assessment Report (
South Lanarkshire Participation and Engagement Strategy
This document sets out the South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Participation and Engagement Strategy. This Strategy outlines the approach that the Integration Joint Board will deploy in working with key stakeholders to strategically develop health and social care services in South Lanarkshire.
South Lanarkshire IJB Complaints Handling
South Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board values complaints and uses information
from them to help make improvements. If something goes wrong or you are dissatisfied please tell us.
The following leaflet describes our complaints procedure and how to make a complaint. It also tells you what you can expect from us.
Complaints Handling Procedure - Information Leaflet
For further information please see our complaints handling procedure below which reflects our commitment to valuing complaints.
It highlights how we seek to resolve dissatisfaction as close as possible to the point of contact and to conduct thorough, impartial and fair investigations of complaints so that, where appropriate, we can make evidence based decisions on the facts of the case.
South Lanarkshire IJB Complaints Handling Procedure
SL HSCP Communication Strategy 2017-2020
The partnership's communications strategy outlining a strategic approach.
SL HSCP Communication Strategy 2019-2020 refresh
This Communication Strategy and Plan Refresh has been written in direct alignment with the development of The Strategic Commissioning Plan (SCP) 2019 – 2022. The (SCP) is crucially important as it focuses on the support that South Lanarkshire Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) can provide to people in local communities to assist them to maximise their health and wellbeing. Listening to the views of a range of stakeholders during widespread engagement has been crucial to shaping the SCP.
The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act requires Scottish public authorities to adopt and
maintain a publication scheme which has the approval of the Scottish Information Commissioner
and publish information in accordance with that scheme.
South Lanarkshire IJB Publication Scheme
Corporate Governance is the term used to describe the overall control system. It details how functions are directed and controlled and how we relate to our communities. It covers the following dimensions including service delivery arrangements, structures and processes, risk management, internal control and standards of conduct.
South Lanarkshire IJB Corporate Governance Documents
The evaluation of health and social care integration is using a Contribution Analysis approach. This enables complex and sometimes competing influences to be included in determining the contributions to improved health and wellbeing. Working with all partners, the first story is now available to inform decision-making. The second Contribution Story will be published in Summer 2018.
Contribution to Achieving the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes - 1st Contribution Story
Connect 2017-22 is the Council Plan for South Lanarkshire. This is one of the most important documents prepared by South Lanarkshire Council as it sets out vision, values and ambitions, publicly stating what the council hopes to achieve in order to improve outcomes for local people.
South Lanarkshire Council Plan Connect 2017-2022
NHSLanarkshire's Achieving Excellence is one part of a trilogy of plans, along with Joint Strategic Commissioning Plans produced by the North and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs), which will deliver modern, health and social care services.
Achieving Excellence March 2017
Duty of Candour
The new statutory Organisational Duty of Candour will be implemented on 1 April 2018. This new legislation requires all health and social care providers to be open and honest when there has been an unexpected event or incident which has resulted in death or harm, that is not related to the course of the condition for which the person is receiving care. For more information and helpful links please read the letter from Healthcare Improvement Scotland.
iN TOUCH is a monthly, interactive e-newsletter that has been specially designed to enable the Chief Officer of SLHSCP to continue to engage and communicate more actively with GPs.
Information Sharing
The Lanarkshire Data Sharing Partnership Board (LDSP) oversees the development and maintenance of Information Sharing Protocols and Guidance which govern the sharing of information across partner agencies within Lanarkshire. These key documents all relate to the LDSP and Data Sharing.
Lanarkshire MS Trust Specialist Nurse Programme Final Report August 2019
This Report, published by MS Trust and NHS Lanarkshire has revealed significant improvments in the quality of care and support given to people with multiple sclerosis in Lanarkshire.