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People's Panel

The  People’s Panel is a way for you to share your views on a range of issues that matter to you. We are looking for people of all ages, backgrounds and experiences to join the Panel. If you would like to share your views and have the opportunity to help shape services, please complete the Panel membership form.

What is the South Lanarkshire People’s Panel?

This is a panel of around 2000 people who live in the South Lanarkshire area.

What is the purpose of the People’s Panel?

To engage, involve and consult with you using a variety of accessible methods. By actively participating with your local authority and its partners you have an opportunity to have your say on what works for you. It also allows you to share your views and knowledge of the community that you live in. Your views help us make informed improvements and developments.

Who runs the People’s Panel?

The People’s Panel is a joint venture between South Lanarkshire Council, South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership, NHS Lanarkshire, and South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership.

Why do you want to know personal details about me?

The information we ask for regarding gender, age, employment, ethnic origin, housing status allows us to:

  • make sure that members reflect the wider population, that there is an even mix of gender, age groups, employment status, homeowners, tenants etc
  • send surveys to people who are likely to use specific services or facilities

Your personal details also allow us to better analyse the data gathered from any consultation. This adds value to any research we carry out as we can look at how views differ based on gender, age, geographical area, service users, non-users etc.

Do I need any qualifications to become a Panel member?

No. It is your views and opinions we want to hear. This includes young and older people, working and not working, homeowners and tenants, people from ethnic groups and people with disabilities.

Will you keep a record of my answers to any consultation and know what I said?

All individual responses gathered during any consultation exercises are only identifiable by things like age, gender, geographical area etc. You will never be identified in any survey findings or reports.

I haven't lived in South Lanarkshire very long - can I still join the panel?

It doesn't matter how long you have lived in South Lanarkshire - it could be 2 weeks or 20 years. We are keen to include the views of all panel members.

Where do you keep my personal details?

Your details are held on computer systems and will be processed and held in accordance with the principles of The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/67. This means that we will not pass your name or any of your personal details to any organisations that are not a part of the People’s Panel partnership. We also regulate and protect the use of this personal information within the partner organisations themselves. Your details will be removed when you leave the panel, or upon request in terms of the current General Data Protection Regulation.

What will I have to do as a panel member?

You will be asked to take part in occasional surveys – we will make sure that you are not inundated with questionnaires. We carry out different methods of consultation other than postal and online questionnaires. For example, we may also hold local focus/discussion groups so that we can speak to you in-depth about certain issues that are of interest. We might be in touch with a consultation opportunity from one of our partners such as Police Scotland, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnership, Scottish Fire and Rescue, South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership or NHS Lanarkshire. Only if you have agreed to take part in this type of consultation will you be contacted and invited to attend.

Will it cost me anything to be a member of the panel?

No. Any surveys that we send you will include a reply-paid envelope so it won't cost you anything to return it. If you attend a discussion group, expenses will be paid to cover any travel costs, childminding etc.

What happens if I change my mind and don't want to stay on the panel?

This is not a problem. We understand that circumstances can change. Membership of the Panel is voluntary and if you decide to opt out at any stage you are free to do so. Just contact us and you will be removed from the current membership.

How will I know the results of consultations I have taken part in?

We appreciate panel members taking time to share their views. It is only fair that we do what we can to let you know how we have acted upon your views and opinions. Information on panel activity will be shared through the South Lanarkshire Council website, partner websites, and news items.

I need this in another language or format

If you need this information in a different language or format or, please contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs by emailing

Consultation Unit

Email: Consultation Unit