We do our best to use the latest web standards in the design and build of our websites. We suggest you use one of following browsers:
Our website may look different in some browsers than others but will work in the same way on those listed.
ReadSpeaker allows the text on the website to be read out loud to you. It provides you assistance if you have trouble reading text online. By having the text read out loud to you, you can understand the information on the website more easily. This makes the content more accessible and the website more pleasant to visit. As a user you don't have to download anything.
You simply click the Listen button to listen to the webpage's content.
An audio player appears (see image below) and ReadSpeaker starts reading the text of the webpage out loud.
In the player you can:
You can use tab/shift+tab to navigate inside the player and press enter to activate a certain button or link.
You can select a part of the text that you want to listen to and then press the pop-up Listen button that appears next to the mouse pointer. When you click the pop-up Listen button, an audio player appears (see the image below) and ReadSpeaker starts reading the text you have selected.
In the settings menu, you can:
Please visit ReadSpeaker's website for more information about online text to speech.