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Local Development Plan 3 (LDP3)

We have started preparing a new Local Development plan for our area – South Lanarkshire Local Development Plan (LDP3) – which will replace LDP2 when adopted. Together with National Planning Framework 4 it will form the statutory development plan for South Lanarkshire. It will set out the planning policies and proposals for the use and development of land for the next 10 years.

The plan will set out how our places will look in the future including where new homes and workplaces could be built and the areas that will be protected. There will be a strong emphasis on improving the quality of places and addressing the challenges of climate change and the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.

Details of the timetable for preparing the plan and the consultation and engagement we will carry out can be found in the Development Plan Scheme and Participation Statement 2024-25.

Evidence Report

The first stage of LDP3 focuses on the preparation of an Evidence Report. This will involve a collection of reports on different themes bringing together data and information and the results of our engagement. The evidence we gather will be used to support the development of our proposed LDP3.

We are preparing topic papers which we will publish for comment. This will allow you to tell us if we have missed any evidence or if our assessment of the data needs to be changed or updated. Once approved the Evidence Report will be submitted to the Scottish Government for what is called a Gatecheck. This will involve a Reporter reviewing the evidence and deciding if it is sufficient to start preparation of the proposed LDP3.

Once they are available the topic papers will be published on this page.

Open Space Strategy and Play Sufficiency Assessment

As part of LDP3 preparation we are completing a play sufficiency assessment. We want to know your thoughts on the current provision of the play areas and open spaces you use, what you like about these spaces and how they could be made better.