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Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2)

South Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2 was adopted on 9 April 2021. This followed an Examination of the proposed plan by a Reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.

You can view the Report of the Examination (, which includes the reporters’ recommendations for each issue.

Addendum to South Lanarkshire Local Plan 2

Law Place East Kilbride

In response to a legal challenge that was submitted in relation to the designation of this site as a Core Industrial and Business Area in the adopted South Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2, the council removed the designation in the adopted plan and has prepared Supporting Planning Guidance and a development brief for the site Law Place, East Kilbride - SPG and development brief. This was approved by the council on 29 March 2022. It sets out our position in terms of the uses that would be appropriate on the site and provides detailed guidance on various planning considerations. The Settlement Plan for East Kilbride has been amended accordingly. No other part of the plan was affected by this change.

The Local Development Plan 2 and its associated maps and documents can be viewed or downloaded via the links below

The LDP2 is supported by the following documents

Supporting Planning Guidance

Supporting Planning Guidance (SPG) supports the policies in the South Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2 (SLLDP2) and gives further guidance to developers.

The purpose of each SPG is to reinforce and support the terms of the policies already contained in the adopted SLLDP2 and are a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. 

Screening determinations for each document can be found below.

Conservation areas